
Keep saving those welfare cheques, pal. Maybe one day you can afford nice things.

I'm sorry you have vision problems.

No, but idiots do. Ever seen a 4K monitor?

High quality textures (4K, 8K, etc.) are typically much higher than any monitor is capable of displaying them. Screen resolution is a huge bottleneck to creating uncanny graphics.

"Good enough" the rallying call of pedants everywhere.

It makes zero sense to build a great PC and then cheap out with the primary way you interface with it.

Excellent troll. A+

TL;DR: Get a 4K monitor, a big GPU and whatever.

Seriously. This needs a big, fat "SPONSORED POST" tag.

Not hiring anyone who likes movies based on comic books would probably lead to a vastly more competent workplace, but I'd like to see the reaction that would get around here.

Remember, kids, step over the homeless, not on.

What is your job?

Or... look for a job with some dignity. Most jobs that require drug testing are menial.

"Are employers not supposed to be concerned about general productivity of their employees?"

There is no logical reason for a job to mandate an employee not get high while not working that job.

Not only do I think you have poor taste in art and entertainment, now I think you're retarded.

Maybe you don't.

Not surprising you also like comic book movies.

No. If you find "doge" humorous, you have unequivocally poor taste.

That you've actually assessed this is a dire life indicator.