
I like how clicking anywhere inside the video window stops the stream, takes me to and plays an unskippable 30-second advertisement before rebuffering the entire video from the beginning. Functional!

Blame Harper.

This could be a Maximum PC article from 1998.

And you can do those things! Most newer buildings have insane soundproofing and concrete floors so thick you could rehearse "Riverdance" in your condo and your neighbours below wouldn't hear a thing.

I am type one, fully grown adult male. Obviously, consumption would be different for a small child, but there is little difference between 80g of carb in pasta, pizza, rice, bread, etc. and 80g of carb contained in ice cream, cake, candy, etc.

Yeah, I don't understand how this "cleanses" anything.

If your daughter can eat a plate of pasta or a couple slices of pizza, she can eat a pint of ice cream.

Oh, wow. A meal is a pint, not a cup. That's horrifying. THAT'S SO MUCH ICE CREAM!

I eat ice cream and, well, anything I want really, but am aware of how it affects my body and can adjust my insulin intake to compensate for almost anything.

You lost weight because you were eating tiny portions of ice cream for every meal, which is disgusting, and would cause anyone to eat less.

Video games are for nerds.

Ha, your mom.

One slice of whole wheat bread has ~100 calories. One Reese's Peanut Butter Cup has 105 calories, including over 10% of your daily recommended intake of saturated fat as well as over ten grams of sugar. […]

Considering the Sochi Olympics cost FIFTY-ONE BILLION DOLLARS, I sure hope they're sending a few bucks your way in exchange for your moronic commentary.

I travelled all over Costa Rica and flushed toilet paper everywhere from San Jose to the middle of the freaking rainforest.

This is definitely notable. Your attempt to pretend it isn't is laughable and also disgusting.

Chernarus is a fucking shithole. If you consider it beautiful, I'm loath to imagine where you must live.

I hope whoever should have edited this crap runs over your dog, Tracie.

Dumbest post on Gawker Network ever?

DTLA is ridiculously clean, because so few people live/drive there, and there are no factories, etc. The region around the LA basin emits way more greenhouse gases, mostly due to people driving.