
of course they’re gay. Don’t you know that straight men never show affection? We just punch each other and talk about getting pussy all day.

I have always interpreted Kamazotz as another planet, via an alternate dimension. Though in the Wrinkleverse, it’s hard to say, exactly.

Every now and then, the big Church has someone at the helm that’s willing to speak out for the needs of the people rather than stick to old interpretations of tradition.

I remember when I was in school, there were a few books that, if the student spoke to the teacher about how they (or their parents) felt that they shouldn’t have to read it because of the content, they would be given an alternate assignment. And I’m fine with that, I guess. But banning it for everyone is just bad.

There is something truly evil about book banning. It’s selfish, controlling and obscene as far as I’m concerned. It’s the battlefield of small minded pearl clutchers who should be soundly ignored instead of catered to. If you don’t like a book? Don’t read it. Don’t you dare try and remove it from others to read.

I couldn’t disagree more. For one thing, the clothing descriptions of clothing are not nearly as exhaustive as people seem to remember. I didn’t read any of The Wheel of Time until after the entire series was out, and it rarely seemed to drag. I think people only complained so bitterly because the things they wanted

My guess is that it’s more a marketing issue than anything else, the need or expectation to have a trilogy, a quartet, or quintet. The selling is geared to the series of books rather than something that stands alone. Also, for whatever reason(s) short stories seemed to go out of fashion with popular digests and

The biggest flaw in her argument is that she’s arguing against a position the original article about mega novels did not take. The original article basically says “Writing giant multi volume novels is very hard and often even skilled writers fail at it, so maybe it’s not in the best interest of the genre long term


The NiMh batteries found in most hybrid vehicles are not “placed into dumps” when they reach their end of life. They are recycled, considered to be “zero-landfill”.

It’s also a great fallacy to assume that they’re worse for the environment. At best it’s complicated. It depends on the battery technology used in the cars, how long the car is in use, remembering that most hybrid car batteries are recycled at the end of their service life, not just dumped in a landfill, and balancing

Do it for your health, not for your looks.

I’m honestly afraid to re-read it as an adult. One of the bloggers I follow re-read it as an adult, and said that Ender is a lot less of a sympathetic character... he says racist things to push boundaries, he hurts people to make points, he generally takes being smart as an excuse for being unpleasant to people.

So the Spotify post doesn’t get into it, but I’m wondering how he’s defining the key.

Not only that, but transposing the song also helps with a singer’s range. If you’re playing an American Songbook Standard and your singer has issues, you’ll transpose the song to fit their vocal range. This has been done for decades and doesn’t change the feel of the song, but will change it’s instrumentation and

I feel like Jiaying sees SHIELD in the same vein as Nazi Germany, Pol Pot led Cambodia, Mao China, Stalin Russia and that if she lets her people be indexed next thing that will happen is they will be imprisoned or worse. She’s taking the Magneto tack and I can’t disagree with her reasoning, since we saw SHIELD try to

Avengers 2 felt like it ignored certain character developments in previous movies, namely Iron Man 3

I think it was more than that. Both have red in their ledgers, people that they have killed. But both aren't able to have kids, or bring about new life. They can only kill, or remove life, and I think it is -that- balance, or lack thereof, that is intended as the tragedy.

I mean, parenthood is really a huge theme in

It’s wasn’t the sterility (which is taken from the comics in a story that is much better than it sounds). It’s the reason for her sterility (assassin building) that made her feel like a monster. And they totally skip over how she was clearly forced to shoot someone in a hood. Hope the deleted scene fleshes that out.

Natasha’s big thing wasn’t that she was sterile, its that she was a machine built only for murder. The story about her sterility wasn’t her defining tragedy. It was just what she used to try and prove to Bruce that she wouldn’t be giving anything up to be with him, while at the same time having Widow discuss something