Aegis Ornus

Because zengeif, sagat, vega, fei long, honda, adon, gill, urien, seth, blonka, are series examples of “serious” men...

and ryu should be wearing shoes when he is fighting in random places, vega probably shouldn’t wear a mask as it just impairs his vision, rashid shouldn’t be wearing his scouter since a kick to the head might break it and you don’t want to get stuff in your eyes

Interesting. For some reason I get an Eddy Gordo vibe from her, only with big boobs, of course.

what like antartica?

coughphysicaldlccough. Whoever thinks this isn’t DLC is a fool.

Now playing

I agree those are good but this insert song from Jitsu wa is the best.

Right on, I don’t think I could have said that better myself. :)

Tell that to the people who literally can’t enjoy the game at 30 fps because they either can’t handle looking at it for a long period of time or can’t handle the doubled input delay. Fps is not just something visual. It impacts gameplay very significantly and influences how long someone can play the game without

Like this?

Take it from a dev: 60 fps is NOT a gold standard, but an ideal to aspire to.

The need to support lower-end machines and mid-level machines are often what smothers the dream. I’m looking at all you fucking Bobs who somehow managing to run a top flight strategy game on fucking intel integrated graphics (and then crying

Well, if you’re going to be persnickety then I guess it should be pointed out technically they can’t be handbrake turns because living creatures don’t have handbrakes.

They re-recorded the dialogue and got rid of character’s accents. More damning is that the cutscene director orginally redid the scenes as they were, then Kojima told him he wanted them to be more original to the game and the director. In turn, from what I have read on the past as a sort of retaliatory “I’ll change

Probably a nice guy, but an incredibly annoying streamer.

Guitar man... The “Door Warrior”... I can see a practical purpose for his truck; he was a banner-man/rallying-point. With all those vehicles, lots of engine noises, long distances, potential to get separated from your group, and a lack of walkie-talkies... There needed to be some way to signal distant drivers with

Since it is obviously not an exact copy that also incorporates a different artistic style, the term you’re looking for is “recreation”.

Final Fantasy XV: A game for Dads.

The indies are the biggest reason I went PS4 over Xbone...

Depends how you want to look at it. Wind Waker had very clear objectives as well, it just dressed it up in a more open world scenario. Like when you’re on the beginning island, you absolutely have to go into the forest. Just like in SS, you absolutely have to go to the cave underneath Skyloft.

Infiltration was literally one second and one hit away from moving on. Damn that timer running out.