Aegis Ornus

“Me? I have absolutely no shame, and revel in this sort of over-the-top fanservice filled game. It tickles me to no end that such things exist.”

The game achievement is more an effort in sheer tedium, if it’s about reaction time, patience, and keeping calm than any number of schmups test those abilities far better and more accurately. This guy built a robot, and you find it sad that he didn’t just press X 200 times in a row instead?

This task was annoying on PS2, but it became hair-pullingly-exasperating with the HD remasters. The timing is off now, so the beat you could follow on the PS2 original is completely off here. You don’t need a robot to get the job done, though. Just run over to one of the lightning rods that’s near a crater. Run over

I honestly liked having the CHOICE to not use them. the feeling of picking one up and then tossing it aside was magnificent. now it’s by design and the choice has been taken out of it. while I agree the gunless experience was incredible, it was enhanced because I COULD have used guns but chose not to..

I think that’s part of the reason that questline is more nuanced. It would be easier to have a domestic abuse storyline in which the man is a purely horrible human who this sweet, innocent woman got swindled into being involved with. That’s not what happens here.

The Baron’s and Anna’s story isn’t the story of an

“Geralt isn’t at all sexy” is a subjective statement. It’s your opinion.

It wasn’t necessarily low rent at the time. The models were fantastic, and like Animaniacs, had more than the average amount of frames. The problem was, the way to do it back then was to ship it overseas and have an animation studio in Asia do it. The quality could range from Disney level with TMS (Tokyo Movie

Actually, what they are officially saying on the youtube vid description is: “Play the game, based on the movie, based on the game!” I’m just running with their joke

“the gameplay completely fell apart after the first level or two” Explain

Gotta go when you gotta go.

Reaching? Those are some of my favorite games that I’ve played this year. Box Boy isn’t free to play. It’s the best puzzle game of its type that I’ve played since Portal.

Let’s see. In 2015, have they put out any new IP? I spy... Box Boy, Code Name STEAM, Ultimate Angler, Battleground Z. Plus Splatoon. And it’s only May!

More importantly... I’m still waiting on the sequel!!!!

So true. That game on console will cost 70 for 6-12 months. On PC drops to 30 bucks or so after 3 months, maybe even less on steam sales. PC DOES save you money.

I think that might just have been unfortunate timing on your part. When PC games usually had cross-platform releases to the 360 and PS3, that sort of acted as a parachute in terms of what was needed on the PC side. Now that those ports aren’t going to be happening going forward (and they’ve just now stopped this

My 2GB 770 still runs everything on damn near max. If you’re selective, with most games you can gain back 10-15fps by limiting features that are hardly noticeable. I keep texture quality, lighting and anisotropic filtering at max, but get choosy with other luxuries.

“I have perfect vision and a huge TV, yet I’m constantly leaning in while playing The Witcher 3.”

As a female writer, I’d considered this for a scene in my book. It involved pirates with one female. So odds are it would happen, right? But my character was a strong female and the captain respected her. Despite the fact that he was a pirate and I’ve been told “that’s what pirates do”, I chose not to go that