Aegis Ornus

I've been using Eneloop batteries for years in my 360 controllers, Wii-motes, and other wireless electronics. I highly recommend them; they charge fast and deplete slow in and out of use.

I'm dealing with relationship issues at the moment and I realize that it's the smallest set of words that have so much power to make what feels like the end of the world seem like a speed bump.

When I was close to homelessness, I applied for a holiday job at HoneyBaked. They give you long shifts to work over a small set of days and that could be a good, quick fix for you. Good luck, Doc!

Why are they showing this to us? It doesn't look very impressive and I'd think they'd want to start off by showing some spectacle-worthy gameplay. Way too early for something supposedly far off.

Not that I think it will be an actual answer to your question (Online-oriented games on WiiU) but there is X, we definitely don't know enough about it yet to say but maybe that'll be like the WiiU's Phantasy Star.

This. Stop this. No more of this.

They're incredibly nice, right? Completely unexpected...

I really like the look of it, like an updated sequel to Gunvalkyrie for the original Xbox.

Someone told me schools wanted to give students iPads, how much money it would cost, how they were to be used, and I scoffed believing it would never happen because it was such an excessive and impractical idea. Now it's apparently in practice and I'm totally right.

Now playing

While I don't think Psycho Pass had the strongest foundations for its setting and storytelling, I'm beginning to think we're actually not too far off from society being wrapped up in such a bubble of safety that they have almost no bearing on how vulnerable you can be at any point during your day and that to stay safe

My imagination has me believing it's glorious. Will look into this Darrell Lea person and his licorice.

I work in a restaurant where I can scream right in front of a guest, "TO-GO ORDER FOR JOHN DOE!" with a voice that fills the entire dining space and Mr. Doe in front of me will not react at all as he swipes and reads shit on his iPhone. You can even do it up to three times and they still won't hear you. It's amazing

I just don't know how you can financially afford to be in that situation where you have infinite hours to plug in with. He must've spent a lot of savings to do it if he's on his own.

I really wanted it but by the time I could buy it, everyone said it was dead online and the single-player stuff was apparently not so good. If you can tell me otherwise, I'll totally buy it.

How to banana into bread...

Well, the Spongebob commercial does a good job of showing what I shouldn't buy for my kids.

I love that Jon Heder just randomly, without a single word of warning, decided to show up at Bungie HQ and ask for a studio tour. Amazing. Maybe I should dress up as Simon Pegg and go on tour…

Well you could've done way worse. The Zero series was amazing. Everything else might feel a bit... slow lol.