
Actually I think an ATM Deposit is the safest of the methods you mentioned. Direct Deposit is 100% faith based, as you must assume both parts did things right and a screenshot is not a receipt. Teller deposit also is dependent on things like the teller entering the right account # and prone to human error. Plus face

A far more interesting question would be ‘What happens when my ATM gives you a wrong amount of money?’. It happened to me that I made a withdrawal of $100 and the machine gave me 4 $20's instead. Since the ATM was not of my bank, as soon as I called my bank everyone pointed the blame elsewhere, saying things like

Now I can finally shut up my mom hysterical screams of ‘DONT POINT THAT INTO YOUR EYES, YOU WILL GO BLIND!’

Pebble is one of those few companies where I feel sad they are gone. Last time I felt this was with Palm (remember those?!). Somehow their products felt...warm and friendly. I like my Pebble much more than my Apple Watch, as it has some sort of... magic, personality... It is hard to explain. Perhaps that is exactly

I think that portraying the character as a woman is basically to augment our empathy and develop a sense of confusion. We tend to view male robotic characters as hostile from the start, like The Terminator. This is basically because of the concepts of wether they have a soul, or human emotions.

Spanish works too... ‘aprende a pronunciar’.

Wow, I can almost predict the scene where Sean Bean dies!

Every time someone uses coffee creamer, God kills a puppy.

Man, this is way harder to accomplish drunk than the backwards alphabet! BEAUTIFUL!

Gorilla Glass 2 is not supposed to be more resistant. It is designed to offer the same amount of resistance at a thinner design, thus is very likely that the New iPad does feature it and apple used it just to try to shave on weight and thickness. Every millimeter counts on this era of thin devices.

If the title of this article were 'How to get spit on your food?' then the advice would be appropriate.

Wow. They should release one that does the same with the mouse too! OH, and one for the monitor cause I hate when the screensaver comes up while I am cleaning my screen! And I have an external hard drive that gathers up dust and I fear it might get damaged too. So, I suggest having a ComputerClean Suite for $99

What form do I have to fill to get the 6 minutes of my life that were stolen back with this totally unrealistic test?


I am also hesitant on this possible upcoming change... Google dominates the search, and maps are not about prettiness but about FINDING what you want. Chances are very very slim that Apple would be able to build a database of PLACES that can compete with Google's offerings. What purpose does a super virtual 3D map

Wow, great smart comment instead of the usual moronic bashing. I learned something today. I didn't knew I could learn on the internet. Now I am scared.

So are usable flying cars. But whoever makes the first true usable one will be the one remembered as the true inventor, or executor of the idea.

People complain, but I have yet to find a TSA agent that is a douche. All (or most) of them are very courteous, and fair. I just came from a flight and for some reason the metal detector kept on buzzing regarless of me having removed everything... After 3 attempts, the TSA agent said: 'Sir, you wanna think real hard

I would not want to get a ball caught in that, for sure.

Mosaic! The Amazing Fish Cam!