Adobe Jones

Not magic girl, but magic mushrooms. And still my favorite.

Savior looks great, I really like that art style. Good luck dudes!

Usually there are one or two listed for Hulu. Has Hulu stopped putting on new anime, or is it not one of the streaming site you look at for the articles anymore?

Love the cosplay coverage, it what keeps Kotaku my #1!

Cable but with his daddy’s powers instead of mommy’s

Sadly only travels to pre-1956

Thanks has Trump hands LOL

Was it a giant sized bat-thing?

Good grief Zangief!

The moth men where in the game, but they kept flying into the Traveler over and over

I graduated from High School in that belly tattoo

Makes the Kessel run in 12 parsecs, which most women are quite satisfied with

Square Enix released a free app called Final Fantasy Portal, if you open the app and sign in with a Squeenix account, you can get a free copy of Final Fantasy 1.

Square Enix released a free app called Final Fantasy Portal, if you open the app and sign in with a Squeenix

Yeah! Spank that squirrel you playboy billionaire philanthropist you

Dali reference? Dig it!

How do the rules handle people with a legit prescription?

His thighs are pathetic.

Bruce didn’t leave Jim any spray?

Good use of... forced perspective