Adobe Jones

I’ve been really enjoying the Titan’s Grave youtube series by Geek & Sundry. It’s a TV quality RPG play through, and makes me think people playing D&D would be a great alternative to reality television.

Would anyone be so kind as to spoil this for me?

Taylor Swifting is coming back!

Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.

That’s right, he writes a lot of Sandler’s films.

Pizza dog should join the Pet Avengers with Lockjaw & Frog Thor! Really I just don’t want Pizza Dog to fade away after this run... Maybe a crossover with Lying Cat?

Toho is the perfect studio for this. Colossal Titan v. Godzilla please.

Reminds me of good ol’ Cruising’ U.S.A.

Please, my father was Mr. Satan, call me Bezul.

I had gay elf sex for an achievement. Literal achievement whoring.

Reserved for baby Hope

Hello Miss Nicks, welcome aboard!

Sure, today he’s a little boys stealing toys. But soon he’ll be a grown man stealing stadiums... and quarries... and Chinese roads.

According to his inventory, he’s all out of gum

Looks like someone’s about to make herself a California Cheeseburger

The scene with the bomb going off next to the boy, then the harsh feedback audio of the ringing in his ears, has been used to lesser effect in so many other films & TV episodes. As far as I know, it was done in Come & See first, and best.

FUN FACT TIME! The original novel “Bridge over the River Kwai,” by Pierre Boulle, was based on his real experiences as a POW. He tapped those same experiences to write “Monkey Planet,” which was made into “Planet of the Apes.”

It was a risky operation, but it was worth it.

They’re not trolls, just passionate about ethics in gaming journalism?