Admiral Biscuits III

Sure as shit feels like it.

I’m looking forward to trying this out.

That explains the massive nausea.

Several shots of Irish Cream and 3 vodka 7 ups. I’m barely starting to feel the hangover.

GPS? How does it work?

Ooh, I saw something similar at my local running store. I’ll have to give it a whirl :)

Personally I like whatever I find cheap at Marshalls or an old backpack from college. But lately I’ve been contemplating the “fanny pack club” to hold my keys and wallet on my runs, so if anyone has any suggestions on a small bag I am all ears.

Someone once told me you can use it to make your hair less frizzy. It just made my hair more greasy but it kinda worked =/. I guess it also depends on the lotion.

But hey, let’s pass another fucking law that restricts abortion access and attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. You know, cause we care soooo much about women’s health. Ass-wads.

Harry Reid: The Unshaven.

I do not. But I am gonna watch it now. I want a good rom-com show that won’t disappoint me a la How I Met Your Mother...yes I am still not over the finale.

Before the upgrade I used it on my S2 gear which was pretty buggy on my outdoor run (3 miles in 26 minutes, which is nice but I know damn well wasn’t my actual time). Then I tried indoor which was a big letdown since the treadmill tracked 3 miles and my watch would track .01. Yesterday I used my s7 phone and it kept

Wait is this true? I used it yesterday on the treadmill and it worked okay.

The Nike+ Running app is my absolute favorite. I’m going on a treadmill run in an hour and am super excited about using this today!

Scott or bust. Nothing else can tame my asshole.

Counter-point. Office potlucks. I don’t have to buy food that day and I can humble brag about my baking.

Anyone else having second-hand cramps and vagina pain from reading this?

13 year old me is super jealous of Katy Perry and adult me is super jealous of Orlando Bloom. Either way I find them a beautiful couple.

I don’t have a .gif readily available to proplery show how I feel so I will use my words. To my state and the legislators supporting this mess, I’d like to give a healthy and hearty FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As much as I love my city and this wall, we do have a problem with originality. Alas this is San Antonio’s Big Fucking Pink Wall.