Admiral Biscuits III

My dog’s name is Boomer and his would be human name is Robert Boomer sooo yup.

I ADORE my Mirena. I used to be on the pill but after several pregnancy scares (I’m forgetful) my PCP told me to go to my Gyno for an IUD. Despite never having kids, I chose Mirena due to the likelihood of never having a period or at least a very mild one. It was painful as hell but well worth it for that sweet sweet


For a second I thought this headline was talking about Justin Bieber up to no good again.

You’re not the only one. I read that and thought “wait, isn’t Jai Courtney...*googles* ohhhhhhhhh”

I’ll tell ya what they taste like. Chewy gross bullshit that inexplicably makes everything else taste amazing.

Mark Ruffalo will forever be my personal favorite woke bae... next to young Bernie Sanders.

That seems to be the Mister’s theory.

I love my Mirena now but the first month and the insertion was a bitch. Cramps so bad I thiughtthought I was dying. But we cool now.

That’s the best description of Ann Hathaway I have heard and that is precisely why I love her.

I’d edit that to read smart phones. Cell phones can and are a necessity now a days. Especially with pay phones all but disappearing. Smart phones have always and will always be a luxury to me.

I can’t have children yet. So my cats are the closest I’ll be getting for now. I still tear up and occasionally bawl when I think about my baby girl Phi Phi. She was my life and was taken too soon.

I’ll be honest. You are/were my favorite writer here. Good luck and light speed!

You know what’s helps keep on my array of eyeshadow I burn money on in place? Benefit concealer. Specifically Boi-ing. Seriously. I don’t remember where I read it but I dab concealer on my eyelids and the shadow sticks pretty much all day until I wipe it off at home.

For The Crow I feel like it should just be laid to rest already. But that’s just me and my opinion.

2 hours and 24 minutes...meanwhile my fatass is still sore as Satan’s butthole from the 3 hr 30 minute HALF marathon I ran. You go, lady train!

I morphed back as a flower.

A few weeks ago I got this super thick, super damn good smoothie from this shop down the street from my house. I thought it would be a good light snack before I made dinner later that evening. Long story short I was full until I woke up the next morning.

This is why you’re my favorite commentator. All smart and shit =)