
I have been entirely indifferent to every other Trudeau scandal or general cock-up, but this OFFENDS me.

You know, the one famous for enormous pickup trucks ... Luxembourg.

Just sell your doge for cash, move the money, repurchase. It’s not THAT volatile. Most of the time.

“Hello, Ford warranty claims.”

1B14 is my 4th favourite Droid in Star Wars.

That is honestly surprising to hear. I used to run VR demo events at work and we never have had a single person get sick or even dizzy, so long as they were in a stationary environment. Now, “jumping” off buildings or flying, yeah, but never just standing around in a field or whatever.

The Quest 2 is $300 and fantastic, if that can’t expand the VR market then nothing will. But it would be nice if there was a wireless headset positioned between the Quest and the Vive Pro, and wasn’t tied to FaceBook.

VR isn’t like that (depending on the game you’re playing).

The headset runs at 5k, 120FPS. It is not for 80% of the PC gaming market.

The thing is it COULD be his condition, but I think he’s ALSO an asshole. So basically it’s both.

Note to self: never get in an accident in my Astro.

SUC is a more descriptively accurate name for it.

Sport Utility Coupe.

That hypothetical scenario is unlikely.

They hit me with chariot.”

If anyone in this awful world deserves magical internet money from NFTs, it’s the people from memes. They are finally getting their Internet Checks I’m very happy for them.

I just had the best idea for my next cosplay as soon as cons come back.

If you price an iMac against a PC WITH an actually comparable monitor, they’re surprisingly competitive. Most people just don’t want a $500 monitor attached to a $400 computer.

Next you’re going to tell me I need to put pants on!

Old Italian men everywhere would spit out their grappa.