Addison Jacobs

For example, in Texas a gun permit is an acceptable form of ID, while a student ID is not.”

Well I think that was Trumps point, when he said the US was the only country to grant automatic citizenship to anyone born in the US, at least in the context of when he said that. And on that point he is more or less correct, and I hate that I have to say that. Immigration is a tough issue to discuss in general since

Err, then stay away from the comments to Katherine’s piece yesterday, because there is some spice, and from normally reasonable people too.

The Kavanaugh allegations are pure cynical politics deserving of zero attention. The Democrats pulled this out of their butts as a last ditch smear against a thoroughly boring nominee.

Came here to say just that.  Basically if you don’t like what someone is saying, ignore them....attacking those people just makes their voices louder and validates some of their claims they make against you.

Silencing voices you don’t like, or disagree with, doesn’t make your stance better. It just creates echo chambers, and those are as wholly destructive as the perception of those voices you wish to silence. thoughts exactly. AirBNB does not affect my mortgage by even $0.01. Also, that’s the beautiful thing about OWNING property. You can do whatever you damn well please with it.

Figuring out whether or not you are “fine with yourself flashing the OK sign”, which is something most people in the world have done for a long time without every associating it with white power is not a lifehack. Like, that’s literally not how that works.

The political bias on this issue is sad. When Obama did this sort of thing, his database was praised. Why the hypocrisy? Heck, just to post this using my FB account, Kinja gets access to my friend list, why? My friends have nothing to do with my post. Kinja should request nothing more than my identity. Also, notice

“You could accomplish this sort of redistribution of wealth through the tax code, via a tax designed to take from any platform that distributes news without paying for it, and plow the money back into the creation of news.”

Lets say a CEO of a company of 5000 employees makes $10M per year. Ok, we’re all pissed off and demand your salary be cut in half! Distribute that $5M to those 5000 employess and what do you get? An extra $1k per employee. Which according to many liberals is “crumbs”. Let’s put your “rank-and-file” guy (or gal) in

I think a lot of the time, lay people (not professionals trying to set some standard definitions) say “processed” when what they really mean is “refined.” But they haven’t given it enough thought as to what they really mean, so they have no idea anyway. They’re just repeating what they heard someone else say.

I like the savings idea. I want a new comforter. I’m going to buy it anyway but I’ll feel better if I “found” the extra money.

I like the tracking idea!

California does like to bone over businesses located there.

Another day, another company announcing they will be increasing comp for their employees because of the tax cuts, another outrage post from Splinter about how it’s not enough.

Invest in an ETF like VOO or DIA or the equivalent mutual funds that mirror the S+P 500 or Dow 30 and watch your money grow.

You wind up feeling like your body is weird and no longer your own. I find my post-baby boobs uncomfortable. As an active person, I miss when they were firm. I'd love to get a boob job after I have my second (last) kid.