I just want to see the 16.5(!) inch ceramic brakes in the flesh.
I just want to see the 16.5(!) inch ceramic brakes in the flesh.
Drifting and big curbs don't mix.
No small ball offers.
Is the 666 thing or Friday the 13th considered unlucky in other parts of the world (or more specifically Finland and Denmark) or is it more of an American/Anglo thing?
The Google story seems extremely out of place.
Just imagine this, with added lightness:
That is an enormous vehicle for a coupe. I don't get why anyone would buy it except for showing off - which is fine - but then for that kind of money you might as well go fully obscene and get the Bentley or Rolls. If this is somehow supposed to be the tasteful end of that market then it's a bit like getting a…
The first Rogue was slightly smaller and based on the Sentra platform. I believe that to be the case with this one too but I'm not sure.
Looks like Jaguar just pulled out a 12 incher in the private school chauffeur dick measuring contest.
It's not some conspiracy. Media companies run on ad dollars and the Cowboys always get the most going on several decades now. It's not agenda setting when half the top rated regular season games every year involve Dallas. Even on CBS which never gets them they get top ratings. It's also why the WYTS series has…
nibby baitin' bait.
Perfect metaphor letting them play second fiddle to the Giants and not getting their own Why Your Team Sucks day. They are forever the whiny ring-less step child of the East.
It's times like this that I want to go out and hug Tony Romo. Yes, he's frustrating at times but man it can get far, far, far worse.
It's the AFC East first and then the NFC East to finish it off. My guess is that "America's team" will be saved for final, and very click-friendly, skewering.
Thanks. I forgot how satisfying that was. And it was Al fucking Harris to boot. Excellent.
Okay, that joke is pushing retirement age now.
The great poet Adam "Pacman" Jones summed it up best "...it's the Rams, dude" when asked about the Eagles big win over the Rams.
Reading and commenting on useless stories like this makes me realize that I am part of the problem. Fuck.
The aluminum is already prohibitively expensive to repair in a collision. To that they add what I imagine will be very expensive lights. This thing is going to become the stuff of insurance and bargain hunters' nightmares. Oh, you hit a pole in you 3 year old $20,000 A8, that'll be $12,000 to fix it.