Here's a clip of Peterhansel hitting the biker.
Hahahaha....yeah, those doors aren't custom.
Buy the V8, then spend the difference on a new intake/exhaust/tune.....and two huge turbos. :)
Ummm....what? He says he wants to import/register/drive cars that are less than 25 years old, such as a diesel Land Rover. Chevrolet never made a diesel Corvette, and it's an American car, so what the hell does that have to do with import law?
So you expect a government that can't manage the money it gets right now, to effectively manage even MORE money better than a for-profit private company can?
I never said it was the program's fault, I said it was the government's fault. And, by proxy, our fault — for allowing the government to progressively fuck it up more and more over so many decades. But no, the "solution" was just to pump more money into it and ignore the problem. That problem, which is the…
That "cheap national health plan" is what gets you no help when you're old and need surgery, but the government decides it's not worth the cost to give you a preventive heart bypass at age 75. I don't want the government deciding who gets care and when, whether it be for me or anyone else.
The government fucked up Social Security all by itself, along with just about every other program it has. Giving it even MORE money and responsibility is about as smart as giving your investment manager/company more of your money when they already lost what you gave him to begin with. If they're fucking up with your…
Besides that being a gigantic problem, why should I have to bother 'getting money from the government' that they took from me already? Why can't I just have it to myself from the beginning?
Since at the time I was a high school student with no job, I never had anything but stock wheels and stock-sized tires on it, but I like to think I got pretty good at sliding that thing sideways. I spun it only once, in the rain at about 20mph in a new neighborhood development that had paved roads but no houses…
Well yeah, hence saying only the first week :P
A dogleg first gear? Who wouldn't have fun hitting the car behind him at every light for the first week? ;)
My first car (technically second, but the first was a 90s Olds Cutlass Supreme my parents gave me) was a 1st-gen RX7, with the 12A and a 5-speed. Not at all fast, but so much fun.
That looks very similar to his...definitely the same model, he's just got a new shorter windshield on it, the front seat is one whole bench (without the gap in the middle), and he recently re-did all of the upholstery in red and white. But his still has the horns, beautiful wood, and everything :)
My uncle has an old mid-engined Chris-Craft with a Chevy V8 in it. I don't have any pics, but boy is it a beauty.
I assume he means Coppell, where the accident actually happened.
If you look at the picture from straight behind the plane with the people taking measurements, it looks like the surface would only be significantly less effective if the next plane followed in the exact same 'pits' left by the first. Other than those pits, and the crumbled pieces that were thrown around, everything…
While that could have been a UK market car (but I don't see the steering wheel), Rotterdam is in the Netherlands, where the steering wheel is on the left and they drive on the right side of the road.