Adamskiy, as seen on TV!

@baldy_pm: Well, they could probably place the generator/engine, hydraulic pumps, alternator(s), and all mechanical noisemakers in a sound-insulated chamber, since only tubes and wires would need to get out of's much harder to prevent sound from escaping around a spinning driveshaft than around a stationary

@mwood10: Other than it being ~180kph, I dunno...I'd think if they were just going for a nice even number it would be 200kph (~124mph).

I'm going to be driving my friend's supercharged 470bhp E46 M3 tomorrow night, so I may need to edit my post.

Ariel Atom, with a V16 sourced from the Busa engine....basically two conjoined engines of the V8 they're offering soon.

I was wondering why I was hearing three different audio tracks at once....then I scrolled down.

Polar, everyone knows that [] is where to go to learn how to be an e-asshole.

My friend and I got spanked 60-130mph in his E46 M3 convertible by a 300C SRT-8, but I'm not sure if it was modified...haven't heard enough of the engine of a stock SRT-8 to tell any differences.

@Adamskiy: Which, by the way, he wasn't originally planning on, as he's obviously a car guy....but Cessna's job offer so outweighed Hyundai's that he chose the former instead.

@Ben Wojdyla: My brother just graduated from Kettering this past December, and now works for Cessna in Wichita, KS.

u have no good cotomer sevis u suck u gust lost sale

With gas prices what they are, why use a trailer and have weight for another semi to pull, instead of driving OP himself?

I've been in a BB&B building...

Jaguar, please design your entire vehicle lineup after the above illustration.

You'd think it would be easier to just fabricate the entire vehicle from scratch, but whatever....I'd drive it.

@gadgetfanatic: Probably because they're just screencaps of a youtube video, in which the one part of the video that isn't a slideshow has music too loud to hear the exhaust notes of eight supercharged V8's pulling away.

Oh yeah, and that's the best 5000-hp roadtrip EVER.

Blue looks best by far...of those above, that is. Black still reigns supreme.