No one, no matter how on point their summer body is, likes shopping for bathing suits. They’re expensive, and trying…
I am strangely disappointed about this, only because I’m a MBMBaM fan and I know Justin will be saddened by this news.
The funny thing is, I’ve never read Gilbert’s books but I have listened to her as a guest on a few different (McElroy-related) podcasts and she always seemed like a delight. So this hate in the comments is mystifying.
Bush Glycerine Spring Break MTV
There’s also The Bear and the Nightingale, which is newer and has a lot of the same story notes, but no Baba Yaga, much to my regret (though maybe she’ll show up’s on the first book of a trilogy). It’s still a great book, though!
Tracy, despondent: Dr. Spaceman, Dr. Spaceman!
The one where Ratchel Dratch is the little blue guy that Tracy sees when he takes meds before going on Conan.
Hot take: Jeff Buckley’s cover of Hallelujah is the definitive. All other versions can go home and take a seat. This one can sit in the cold, dark, moldy basement.
So I saw this on the TV at the gym today and the closed captioning literally read:
Anthony -scare emoji-
But...but...he has 6 months left on his membership at Palm Beach Tan!
There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.
When Shakespeare wrote ‘1984' in 1925, he could not have foreseen the impact his play would have on society. The novelization, written later, spends more time telling the story of Big Brother and less time on the Chicago stockyards, but is still a very good thing to read, especially at the beach. It is still jarring,…
Someone get Bella Thorne an IV with a bag of lactated Ringer’s, because she’s THIRSTY.
I live in Cincinnati, and the entire city is in love with this hippo. Restaurants have put her on their cups! Fiona is the Lil Sebastian of my town.
Liberal parties are an ancient feature of British politics. Labour is much younger, at only 117 years old, although it has a more solid tradition (altered down the decades, with a range of interpretations, but handed down nonetheless). Liberal political history can’t easily be traced because it’s not even close to…
“Why doth the peasantry fret so o’er this ‘Black Death’? ” ~Lord Pence, c. 1350
I’m sorry but THIS IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE and we should burn this site and ALL THE EDITORS to the ground because this is a serious feministic organization and we must endorse the true struggle. Like, I saw a woman earlier today who was sweating outside. Outside. There was sweat. All over her brow. It was hot, sure, but …