
This might actually help cut through the "X% of our grads get jobs in Y field right after graduation!" bullshit. It might help over-achievers see what actual people do for a living. My college, for instance, chose not to include me in their grad placement rate because I told them that I was going to continue being a

Me too. I flew almost 200,000 miles last year - I've never paid for first (and I really couldn't even if I wanted to), but I get automatic upgrades fairly regularly. I swear I don't think I'm not too good for economy, but no one turns down a free upgrade. On domestic flights probably 50-75% of the people in first are

A lot of business class flyers didn't pay for that class - they bought economy and got frequent flyer upgrades. That is its own class marker (the type of job that requires constant flying tends to be white collar and well-compensated), but at least we can take some comfort in the fact that they're not all as rich as

I used tampons right away at 11. I turned out fine! If your niece seems fairly responsible (she'd change it regularly and speak up if it was uncomfortable) I'd say go for it!

That's a really good point. I think my experience was a combination of:

Thanks - and congratulations to you on decades of sobriety!

I didn't last as long as you did in AA (less than five months but I've maintained my sobriety for more than four years). I had just turned 24 when I got sober and I fell in with a group of other young women. They seemed so focused on doing exactly what AA said to do - because like you said, AA says that if you don't

This is exactly what my mom did and it worked great. It also taught delayed gratification (since knowing you'd get several snacks worth of Teddy Grahams or Gushers was enough to keep you from demanding candy NOW).

I don't think the complaint is about the mannequins' size or the effect on body image. It's that pinning the clothes makes them look for tailored and flattering than they really are. Yeah, trying them on will answer and fit questions, but it's a little annoying to try on something that looks fitted and turns out to be

My school also didn't have valedictorians. Too many super high achievers with perfect GPAs for it to mean anything.

I'm really glad we're not the only ones who talk to each other in a silly accent (ours also involves a sing-songy voice that's utterly disgusting).

I know I shouldn't expect people who have no interest in science or logic to understand causation v correlation, but stats like these (even the ones that weren't pulled completely from thin air) just kill me. A lot of people who condemn premarital sex also condemn divorce, and some of them actually act on those

You're totally right - I just meant that I didn't realize anyone thought that thin people gaining weight might make them unattractive, not you in particular!

I don't think they are less than. A good friend of mine is in the same situation your family was in - she seriously can't take the time off to do this stuff or her kids don't eat. She's an amazing mom.

I was pretty overweight until a few months ago and I was (and am) convinced that everyone thin was prettier than I was. Everyone thinner than me was beautiful and sexy and I was just a gross, sweaty blob thing. I didn't think this about other fat people, mind you - they could still be prettier than me, but all thin

I think the issue isn't "well, this otherwise involved parent is busy at this time/scared of bake sales," it's parents that aren't involved with anything period. I don't know that I care either way, but sending someone you pay to do something that's supposed to be a volunteer activity might be a little weird. No

Heeled oxfords are not the enemy!

"More fish for Kunta."

Penises are fickle things.

I'm sure you are! Career/job is a big part of some people's identities but it doesn't have to be for everyone. :)