
Somewhere between 1 and 364 days from now—even the latter is probably faster than the legislature could turn around on changes—he’ll be 13 and within reach of the system. Hope springs a leak eternal that this means adjudicated and enforced actual help for whatever psychological problems are driving this behavior,

In that condition and at that price, I’m not surprised the ad is down already. As long as it shows no signs of the supercharger and/or the transmission being ready to go (and I’d look at those as negotiation points rather than show stoppers), this is the easiest NP in a long while.

ND with a plate of fava beans

The market for these is all over the place. This example (significantly, from the years of a slightly larger and fuel injected engine) might command this price, but it had better be fully worthy of those claimed concours wins.

Or the seller is a flipper, or the heir of the deceased owner, or a dealer who took it in trade. Saying that the money was spent, and saying he personally spent it, are two different things.

Could it be the actual press car?

Seventeen grand (down from twenty) for a car so badly in need of frame-off restoration that he’s even willing to sell you a new frame?

The well-worn exclamation-point key seem to belong to a dealer called Bid2Own Wholesale, so what they really know firsthand about the car and its past are good questions. (Well, we can safely assume that what they’re asking is a fair bit north of what they paid...)

I stopped there once, ages ago, to get a cup of coffee and see what it is like. There was a sign much like this regarding their coffee prices. I more vaguely recall some prominent interior reflection of the owner’s hobby (maybe a lot of fish tanks?) as well.

Though they had their years in the wilderness, I now see newish Mitsubishis pretty often.

For better or worse, the no-fly list, though existent, is a terrorism-oriented thing of modest size. The consequences of this sort of behavior (other than possible criminal prosecution or fines) probably wouldn’t extent beyond Frontier.

Taking a wild guess that risk-benefit analysis and looking ahead to potential consequences are not among the life skills that got her where she is today.

As others have pointed out, SBC swaps into old Jaguars used to be a thing, with everything from plans to kitted-up retrofits available. And the Series 1 XJ in particular was a stately beauty. I do however have reservations about this one in the place where price and condition meet. (Also, about the degree to which

He was seen stumbling in the parking lot, and when asked if he needed help, he shrugged them off with responses that “did not make sense.”

“lightly restored” — fixed up a bit, addressing some of the problems.

I vaguely recall that this one has come up for sale before, though it may be another of that general kind of thing. It could be a good Bay/Delta work boat for someone who already knows he wants such a thing (and has, or employs someone with, the appropriate license to drive it).

I couldn’t; presumably you couldn’t; but a certain number of people do that sort of thing and go home thinking, ”I won! I beat somebody and his money is now my money!” And some parts of our society reward this—the more zeroes in the take, the better.

What is it with people who think basic trims of 25-year-rule BMW are worth gadzooks dollars? Isn’t this, like, the third one we’ve seen here?  (But I think it makes up for it by being the most expensive.).   ND

One of the problems with the original is that it was made angular enough to be kit friendly rather than really honoring the curves of the host vehicle, which would take considerable skills in either sheet metal working or the boatbuilding end of carpentry. And I’m not entirely convinced that skill of any sort had all

There is a slight temptation, but  just a couple of years ago, this one sold for slightly less money with less than half this mileage on it...