
Cargo ships grew to behemoth size to accommodate even more containers which naturally caused a spike in carbon dioxide pollution.

If it has such great investment potential, why isn’t he keeping it?

Yeah, it isn’t always just about the money—a confidential settlement, doubtless including a civilly enforceable gag order, probably looked better than getting all the dirty laundry hung out in court.

We’re all looking at the transcendent and infinite through our own little knotholes in the fence. If only we could mutually agree on that, instead of deciding that ours is the One True Knothole and the users of all the others are bad and wrong and going to hell and perhaps even need to be killed...

This brought some serious NASCAR Dad swagger to the McMansion tract back in its day, but its day was nearly a quarter century ago. Now it’s a careworn SUV that is getting into the weekend-chores knockabout (and probably expensive repairs) phase of its life, and as the cherry on top, the seller comes across as a bit

I can understand traveling to see the eclipse, but why would people jam into particular spots, especially big congested cities? Literally any place from Mazatlan through Montreal and up into the Maritimes in a 115-mile-wide path of totality that happens to have fair weather will provide a comparable experience.

If you’ve got an endearingly quirky high miler a human generation old and honestly think that finding the right enthusiast is the last alternative to the scrap heap, good on you! But knocking a zero off the asking price might improve your luck. A comparable unit without the high mileage and the storm clouds in the

The seller has about half a dozen Subies up for sale:

Bay Area sailing magazine Latitude 38 has covered this and intertwined matters in articles and its letters column. For a concise statement of the enforcement problem, see for instance pp. 46-7 of

Okay, I’ll bite: What does the headline writer consider “lame” about this increment in America’s taking the tobacco industry to task for the well known personal and societal impact of smoking?

Dave likes silvery cars and thinks $6800 is the right price for them.

There are those, but where I live you also see surplus squad cars in the hands of people who just wanted lots of enclosed volume and plenty of sustainability for not much money.

I’d rather have had it before the mods, but they can probably be reversed and he says that the originals come with. The price is not crazy for what you get in these times, and as noted, there are reasons to believe that it was not a patrol unit (those age in dog years), but rather, a perquisite of rank for a pencil

Will any software issues be resolved before the company closes?

I can see it now: Bad Ghostbusters: Port of Call New Orleans.

Right? What I read between the lines is that he’s in over his head on a complicated car. The overheating may or may not be either a cause of or a symptom of something expensive. (Aluminum heads on the Corvette application of the LT1, right?)

Hmm. I appreciate what they were trying to do in tribute to the Advance Design trucks, but thought that translating it from a high-bodied working truck to a 2000s passenger car was a swing and a miss. Having a mere suggestion of that once prominent chrome grille didn’t help the intended illusion either.

The latest thing was to have a 30" CRT

Okay, so you leave the top up (as most people probably do with most convertibles most of the time) and keep your fingers crossed on how long you can commute it before the junkman cometh. People have paid more to get less.  

I’ll bite: Why not? In a US tradition going back to the early post Civil War era, all the major railroads and a number of the lesser ones have their own police f0rces, which they are free to augment with private security if they like. I guess that they are making a bottom line decision here.