
Will any software issues be resolved before the company closes?

I can see it now: Bad Ghostbusters: Port of Call New Orleans.

Right? What I read between the lines is that he’s in over his head on a complicated car. The overheating may or may not be either a cause of or a symptom of something expensive. (Aluminum heads on the Corvette application of the LT1, right?)

Hmm. I appreciate what they were trying to do in tribute to the Advance Design trucks, but thought that translating it from a high-bodied working truck to a 2000s passenger car was a swing and a miss. Having a mere suggestion of that once prominent chrome grille didn’t help the intended illusion either.

The latest thing was to have a 30" CRT

Okay, so you leave the top up (as most people probably do with most convertibles most of the time) and keep your fingers crossed on how long you can commute it before the junkman cometh. People have paid more to get less.  

I’ll bite: Why not? In a US tradition going back to the early post Civil War era, all the major railroads and a number of the lesser ones have their own police f0rces, which they are free to augment with private security if they like. I guess that they are making a bottom line decision here.

Counterpoint: A Miata, especially a basic trim of this generation, is a very finite money pit that people of ordinary means and reasonable DIY skills can hope to successfully fill. And neglected but not thrashed or “upgraded”... you can do worse as a Before picture for either a restoration or a racing project. In

This SFGate (kinda San Francisco Chronicle lite) article estimates that there are 3,000 cars that the city would be legally entitled to tow, and that some 11,000 requests for towing (for all reasons, not just abandonment) were received in the second half of calendar 2023. I would interpret the difference as multiple

I confess to spilling jelly on the ND button because I didn’t have the wit to buy one back in the day. But this one’s mileage and ageage don’t add up to this ask. A search for comps turned up one with literally a fourth that mileage at this price... and that’s from a dealer.   

So, where’s the first place you’re going when you pick up your new house on wheels?

it’s as meh as styling can get—the beige of aesthetics

There’s alightly older sistership to this one in my driveway (the second example to have been in the family) as my daughter-in-law pays a visit. These are terrific, overlooked cars (and that color presents a lot better in person, at least to my tastes). It’s built like a bank vault, and the generous flow of smooth

A big old Olds wagon

It does all help, synergistically, but there is a lot more weather at 0-20,000 feet AGL than at 30,000-35,000 feet and upwards.

I’m pretty sure the whole 737 line, including the MAX, actually has old-school hydraulically boosted mechanical connections between (most of) the controls and the surfaces that they adjust.

They seemed to be more common in the prop plane days, maybe because of the slower speeds, maybe because of weather radar or climate change or route changes.

I would withhold praise for the comment system, but the group of people who persevered through it was impressive and so was the writing staff.

a manmade pond would have a shallow entry, no?