I don’t know the technology behind AM radio, but I know it has been around since the 1910s or something
I don’t know the technology behind AM radio, but I know it has been around since the 1910s or something
Also, gas prices are cheap in the US (for now...) while EVs are still perceived as at least a sorta-premium product. Meanwhile, when lithium was perceived as being too scarce, everybody and their cousin started looking for it, and a lot of them succeeded. It’ll even out.
I’m always amazed that those local stations are hanging in there as well as they do. In my wife’s home town (population back up over 10,000 but not by much), the only radio station, both AM and FM, folded a few years ago. The original owners had passed away, the general manager wanted to retire, and they couldn’t find…
Not to mention that back when these laws were passed, stealing a horse could be depriving someone of a capital asset (I’ll take, apologies in advance, a horseback guess that in the late 19th Century US it was a hundred-dollar animal or more—and a dollar a day was a good wage for, say a farm laborer); a tool needed to…
In other news, there’s a thief out there who knows how to drive a horse and buggy. I have never performed this once commonplace task and probably never will.
Biggest groaner of the day, according to the latest Gallop Poll.
I guess even industry pros can make this sort of mistake:
And yogurt.
If I had the garage space and disposable income, this would sorely test my resolve to be done with Jaguars, even at the high-for-year-and-model ask. With any car that age, you’re buying the ownership history of the particular machine as well as make/model/year, and pending diligent and expert PPI, this one reads as…
That, and each played a major role in a tentpole cop show on archrival basic-cable networks in roughly the same timeframe...
A sturdy craft... and a lucky one, with all those opportunities for parts aft of the blowout to get damaged. Pilots with good hands, cool heads, and quite a bit of experience helped too, of course.
The things that matter include not just how much of the overall fleet is EVs, but where they are. Cities (some more than others due to geography and weather) are pollution traps, as well as centers of population in an increasingly urbanized world, so that’s where we get the bang for the buck on cutting both pollution…
“If you see something, say something.”
Your subconscious may have been trying to remind you that an ‘82 appeared in these pages for $5900 fairly recently. It got a solid NP, but transposing those numbers makes it a harder sell.
The ad also states that a huge lot of parts is also available for purchase. At this asking price, just throwing them into the deal might help move the car. The buyer will probably need them sooner or later anyway. Otherwise, mild ND at the price, I think, though someone with a real jones for these cars (and that’s the…
If I were in that situation, I wouldn’t want to smash out a potentially repairable door if it weren’t really necessary (everything on an airplane is expensive, and it might not be something they have spares on hand for). Knowing that I could kick out this fairly flimsy door in an emergency would be enough; might as…
And of course he isn’t an ordinary person; he’s the level of entertainment celebrity to whom that amount of money is down in the noise level. (As witness his supposed intent to donate the costly watch to a charity auction.).
It was meant to be the closest thing to a big-block/fat-fenders Cobra they could build under early 90s smog and safety rules. The goal was a heady cocktail of adrenaline and testosterone; refinement even by contemporary standards, let alone today’s, was not really part of the formula.
trains punt cars out of the way just fine.
There are plenty of Cadillacs I would own, but it goes from an easy, “Sure!” to hit-and-miss somewhere amid the smog controls and downsizing years.