They were a sales hit at the time.
They were a sales hit at the time.
This one’s off the charts on normal used-car pricing due to the condition and mileage. Nine feels excessive, at least if you mean nine thousand, but it might be just the thing for somebody who deals out movie cars, and I hardly ever see one at all anymore, never mind in this condition.
I hadn’t noticed it at first either, but the once keen eyes of Steve Gravelle did, the explanation seemed pretty clear.
Given the Dover, Delaware location of the car and the KC-10 in the background, safe guess that it has something to do with the Air Mobility Command. I’d be up for that museum if I weren’t most of the way toward the other side of a big country.
Only problem here is that he is asking quite a bit too much money for its age and mileage. Like, 150% of a dealer price and maybe 200% of private party. Nice car at a no-dice price.
The Ford spokesperson’s statement leaves me scratching my head. Sounds on the face of it as though the hybrid is popular and makes its customers happy, so they’re cancelling it?
“not to encourage the criminal prosecution of Mr. Vanga, including by communicating with government officers or protesting at any conference, hearing, or trial involving Mr. Vanga.”
It’s reminiscent of the I-85 viaduct fire in Atlanta several years ago; their own Department of Transportation was storing a large amount of plastic pipe under there. Some people smoking crack* started a fire that spread to this material, which burns like sin once it gets going.
There’s no kill like overkill
The 6.4-liter V8 was something else – it got the worst gas mileage I’ve ever encountered in a vehicle.
Not that it excuses such behavior, but given his age and getting the shakes, I wonder if we should be adding “ill-managed hypoglycemia” to the list of possibilities.
...and if you’ve actually got grounds for a lawsuit (truth being an affirmative defense to libel and all that), you don’t make public threats; you keep quiet while your lawyers prepare it, then file it.
Liked ‘em new, like ‘em now. This holds the promise of being a nice example, offered at about what they go for in “Good” condition in the tough Hagerty grading system. As long as you have good luck with the dash electronics or know what to do if that stuff goes on the fritz, this looks like a very cost-effective way…
the Thunderbird isn’t considered cool today
I’ve somehow never seen a Hunger Games movie nor heard that song, but the Hal David and Jerry Livingston song “The Hanging Tree” (recorded by Marty Robbins as the theme for a Gary Cooper Western of the same title) is now on repeat in my mental jukebox, not that that’s a bad thing.
A good deep dive on what it takes to do this:
Of course, the “right “ answer can be context-sensitive. People often define “continents” in political-geography terms that long predate plate tectonics.
Bought a few months ago, emplaced but did not hook up a colossal subwoofer, now wants out from under it at a fire sale price? Put me in the betting pool for “something expensive turned out to be borked and the seller needs the thing out of Mom and Dad’s driveway while it’s still worth anything at all.” Maybe…
Yeah, the difference between provenance and a fish story is a paper trail. And the difference between what this car would be worth if the Shelby connection were verifiable, and without, is probably about 2/3 of the current ask.
Meant to type NP, as in Nice Price. Still internalizing the name change after all this time.