
It has fleas.

You have to disclose them.  If you put them on the policy for a particular car, or in some cases any of your cars, the premiums go up.  If you save money by excluding them but they but crack up that car anyway, then the insurance company has a reason to deny the claim.  Heads, we win; tails, you lose.

Their decision to enforce that clause even though it was irrelevant to the crash was pretty chickens., but might well be technically defensible—Mr. Preciado may want to drop a two figure amount of his remaining assets to consult an attorney, but I’ll place a beer bet on the outcome.

Nice Price: I would call it “Barney.”

Here’s what it look like to me.

Excellent financial reasons* to keep your situational awareness up and err on the side of caution.

Well... yes and no. This was a lot worse than the cumulative total of an urban area’s fender-benders, and the worst of the worst appeared to have Final Destination stuff like semi-truck overruns and multi-vehicle fires, which are pretty common when fast heavy traffic encounters sudden near-zero-visibility

Now playing

I gather that it might be more accurately described as a long string of crashes with at least three significantly multi-vehicle clusters of severe ones. See for instance

I rather suspect that it racked up that kind of mileage in a freeway commute. I’m imagining him chugging a few miles on the 20-25-mph surface streets of Alameda, then getting on the Nimitz Freeway and maybe, maybe, knocking the rust off third gear.  

Maybe if it were in show-car condition and had a paper trail of the expert repairs that kept it that way. With all due respect to how long it has soldiered on, at this price and in this condition it is a case study in how “rare” does not necessarily mean “valuable.”

Indeed; a gun owner who travels much and has thought these matters through will make sure that “bags that have anything to do with guns or ammo” and “bags you might take on the plane” are disjoint sets.

Most of these will be polluting shit boxes that aren’t fit to be on the road.

Without comment on whether these are the ones, pending their trial and conviction: I am not betting against the general shape of your proposition or Big Block I-4's. One malignantly charismatic personality with an instinctive gift for manipulation, attracting followers with insufficiently developed personality in

To say nothing of the risk of a civic crackdown that sees your “apartment” towed away and every possession not on your back goes with it.

P.J. O’Rourke—later known mostly as a politial gadfly, he used to more than just dabble in automotive writing—once praised these as a life hack for both winter and “mud time” in rural New England. The combination of lightness and for-real AWD, he posited, let them swarm through things that would bog down a

He seems to have several other cars for sale on the by-owner side of Craigslist, make of it what you will.

Long-haul should if anything bring up the rear in electrifying big trucks. Local delivery and short hauls are the low-hanging fruit in a lot of ways: not just range and recharging, but also avoiding diesel exhaust in highly populated areas and having more opportunities to recover energy through regenerative braking.

It needed a new cylinder head and “new suspension” before 128,000 miles?!?

Right? It wasn’t that long ago {oh, wait... 2013-15... I guess it was} in these very pages that Doug DeMuro bought a Rangie under the CarMax warranty and dined out for some time on tales of the overcomplex and underengineered things that had to get fixed. If memory further swerves, the epilogue to that series was

You can drive it anywhere once registered; you just might have trouble registering it in some places.