
So, they had an easily identifiable subject who never changes his appearance committing these crimes while driving the same vehicle.

On the outside, as such things go, it’s surprisingly plausible, though I’d go with either steelies and wheel covers or the sort of “mags” that back-in-the-day hotrodders would have put on a ‘50 Ford.

You quite literally couldn’t pay me enough to willingly roll the dice on traumatic brain injury. Five million, or about three and a half after paying a contingent-fee attorney his third, and maybe two after the tax man, might not cover a lot of lifelong medical care either.

All sorts of unexpected demographic niches just loved the Element. I used to know an office worker by day / drummer by night who treasured the way it could swallow the drum kit with minimal disassembly, yet wasn’t a penalty box to drive or a horrid gas hog on the commute.

Could be. Or, if it rains (and aside from the regular sort of storms, there’s a decent amount of hurricane season left), the back of that car could be protected alligator habitat by the time they finally arrange for it and its neighbor to be craned out.

Not all of Texas is flat and empty, though certainly a lot of the state, especially in the south and west parts, makes you think autonomy can’t come a moment too soon. In particular, I hope they aren’t sending autonomous trucks through any of the big metro areas, especially anywhere near rush hour, until the

Anything this old is a techno-hobby. NP for somebody who wants one andknows what they are and aren’t (aside from the maintenance, driving such a thing in traffic is definitely fishing on light tackle). A thorough rust inspection is mandatory. Ultimately, though, at this price, either an Italian-car connoisseur or some

Worst clickbait headline of the young day from multiple perspectives.  

Rather suboptimal from the standpoints of both behavior and traffic safety, but compared to the likelihood that two road-raging Americans would be shooting in each other’s general direction...

I’d call the shape jaunty rather than objectionable, and the two-seater style probably helps a bit with the company’s tendency to pork these cars up (I kept waiting for the work-body Mini Handyman, or perhaps the Mini Horseman with dual rear wheels and a cutaway body for a gooseneck hitch). However, not being British

Unfortunately hardly the only example. Just blundering across them in the course of reading the news, and just in the Bay Area, I can think of two similar incidents, one the result of a sideshow and the other from street racing. Fortunately both were “mere” fires, not explosions. A quick googlewhacking also shows the

It seems like an eye-watering amount of money for a late 70s Dodge pickup, but this isn’t just any late 70s Dodge pickup, and the asking price is a bit under what Hagerty says a “Good” example in their tough grading scheme (“Flaws not noticeable to passersby”) ought to go for. And a V8 unit would presumably go for

After about 6 months of started riding motorcycles I joined a local sport bike riding group, I thought, I’m a fairly decent rider, so on my very first ride I joined the fast group

It’s also possible that—since she has a long history with the game and now seems to be an official of one of the behind-the-scenes organizations that run golf—she saw a serendipitous opportunity to make an example out of one of those attempts to weasel out of a promised prize.

First, anything over 35mph is most likely going to be a fatality (i think about 90%+). 50 vs 74 is irrelevant - that is 99.9 vs 99.99% mortality rate.

pursuing a Masters degree in Science Information Systems at Northeastern

In the 4,400-pound Range Rover that manages zero to sixty times in the range of… hey, look at that cool dog over there!

Although her year or so on the pro tour did not inspire her to make her living that way, she seems to have had a career as a marketing executive, and may now be Executive Director of Business Development at a seniors tour called Legends of the LPGA, so my guess is that she is doing alright.

In the fortunately unlikely event that you need this knowledge for real, the moment of truth will be sudden and fast and incredibly chaotic. You might be disoriented or even injured. The plane might be broken or on fire. There might be people’s personal gear strewn everywhere. Maybe someone near you will be in need of

Since the seller seems to have photographed it with the 110-format Instamatic he found in the glove compartment, it’s hard to say how good this car really is, but it’d have to be the envy of the show’n’shines to justify that ask.