
Well thought out and well preserved, and Mercedes Streeter has a nice article about it on The Autopian.

...and although we can’t go into specifics without spoilers for those who haven’t read the books, there’s also the timeline. The books were written over a long period (1970-2006 for the Tony Hillerman originals and 2013- for Anne Hillerman) and not all the characters come onstage at the same time to say the least!

Frasier had a bite early on, and an unexpectedly satisfying final season, but yeah, there were some comfortable-old-habit years. (Of course, a mediocre paint-by-numbers Frasier is still at least an 80th-percentile sitcom...)

What are “blue sky” shows? I googled it and all I found was a lot of Big Sky.

Monk may not be overall a great show, but was consistently watchable... and influential. Though it has antecedents in a not-much-new-under-the-sun sort of way, I think of it as the trailblazer in shows with a non neurotypical major character, which are now commonplace. Do we have a Doc Martin or a Sheldon Cooper, just

I’d read all the books, some of them multiple times, and that proved more than a bit of an obstacle to enjoying Season 1 enough to stick with it.

They certainly aren’t very egalitarian

I thought there was a regulation or at least a generally accepted custom of “24 hours bottle to throttle”. That ought to be enough for a grown man to completely sober up unless 25 hours ago he was just absolutely kneewalking.

We bought an RV last fall, a used 2008 Georgetown SE TS350,

There are comps for even a car as uncommon as this. If I wanted one, I’d rather lurk for one like this unit that went for $7500 (dealer!) on BaT last year despite some things to un-do:

Contents of the dead man’s pocket: the bill of sale for a car that he knew, going in, was overpowered and had a mean streak.

That... might actually be better than most direct-t0-cable streaming fare, and quite a bit of movies that enjoy theatrical release, concocted by actual humans.

I had a similar hunch, and reckon that he has three, maybe four vehicles up for sale. That said, if you don’t mind doing business with a possible curbstoner or flipper (usually that biases me toward moving along), it might be a not-bad car for the price, in this market, subject to pre-purchase inspection by a mechanic

Yeah, it’s been some time since this site handled embedded links in a comment reliably — best bet is to just put the bare link on its own line.

 It is however a lot easier to break out a side window, in a situation where minutes count, like a kid or pet being parboiled. Windshields, for obvious reasons, are very tough and thick.

Temperatures in the plane reached over 111 degrees Fahrenheit

May not match the “single fatal flaw” theme, but when the advertising (such as it was) for the 2011 Green Hornet movie emphasized the features of the car, you could kinda see that 43% critic score, 44% viewer score on Rotten Tomatoes coming...

... to the point where they built (but in the end chose not to use) a massive steel container to catch the output of an inadequately fissile fizzle.

Lotus established the Elite as the company’s top car, expanding the model line in 1975 with the fastback Éclat. Both models were succeeded in 1982 by a heavily revised version of that car, branded Excel.

Though it doesn’t mention (and may simply predate) the what-fresh-hell-is-this nuance regarding the video and the courthouse, this New Yorker long-read has some highly relevant thoughts...