
Alas, I can’t take credit. Something scratching in the catbox that used to be my mind suggests that I first saw it some years ago in a comment either here or in the Disqus-powered comment section of old-school A.V. Club. The context was a discussion of some actor reputed to be squandering his or her talent on the

It might be possible to make an educated guess based on the empirical knowledge of drug agents regarding what customers find satisfactory as a net amount of cocaine hydrochloride after diluents and adulterants—something that probably varies with market and pricing tier. But an educated guess is still a guess, just a

who’s going to drag race a Buick anyway?

 What did they think any bad guys would even do... get about a 20-foot ladder, open up the cargo doors, and figure out which container had their bag in it?

In 20/20 hindsight, for sure BART should have had a hub-and-spoke topology, ringing the Bay continuously with feeder lines poking out. One might imagine their going to or even across the Carquinez Straits, into Marin, and out to Livermore to begin with.  Maybe another Bay crossing or two as well.

Motel rooms are a lot cheaper than car wrecks... and whether you pull up short and get a good night’s sleep or drive straight through (putting yourself and others at risk) and arrive totally trashed, your net useful time at the destination is probably going to be similar.

More period-plausible than original in some important ways? Check. Not likely an actual low miler? Check.  Priced as if all those things were true?  Check. ND? Checked.

I’ve had them too, and never touch the stuff. Great way to leave your windows open a bit on a hot summer day but still keep the rain out of a summer thunderstorm passes over.

According to the seller, the car runs “excellent.”

No love for Sean Connery as William of the Hound of the Baskervilles in The Name of the Rose?

> Anyone know if running those subs really damages anything on the car?

Some people have to make a yolk about everything.

Even in this market, these haven’t held their value well. It looks nice inside and out, and I would tackle the troubleshooting at $1k... or readily pay $2.5k if it didn’t have an undiagnosed problem that might leave me stranded 200 miles from nowhere the day it ceased to be always restartable, or get buried in a wide

It’s an art installation, not driving-surface illumination — my (mis)understanding is that it was designed to minimize visibility to motorists on the span.

I’ve sometimes wondered how many “overlanders” are doing significantly challenging off-roading, vs. basically driving far enough down a fairly ordinary dirt road that they can’t hear the next camper’s portable generator anymore...

Looks nice, but that’s a lot of money for a 30-plus-year-old small pickup with a pop-up camper thingy on top, and the “3.Slow” engine was and remains a polarizing topic. Nice truck but a no-dice value proposition.

Prompt ND on the value proposition alone before even seeing the possible new world record amount of SEO spam at the bottom.

A baseball broadcast on AM radio is timeless, otherworldly, reliable, and blissful.

I’ve seen enough wrecks on dry asphalt to offer a simplification:

‘66 Thunderbird, preferably “Q” code (428), in Emberglo.