For a certain subset of gamers, last December was big. Really big. Like, the biggest month in years.
For a certain subset of gamers, last December was big. Really big. Like, the biggest month in years.
Destiny's first expansion, The Dark Below, raises the game's level cap and introduces a whole new tier of more…
Mostly because the best Teen Titans show—yep, Young Justice—has already been made. And then canceled.
"Unlike with PC games at the time, hardware makers for consoles would conduct bug checks and rate the games released on their systems, leading to a rather interesting episode in regards to the Policenauts port."
My thoughts exactly, though I felt the series peaked with AC2, and that Brotherhood began the downward spiral through the introduction of Chain Kills and Full-Sync. It's like as soon as Patrice Desilets left, the team leads remaining completely lost sight of the core concepts of the series.
Deannounce your false god and accept Mr. Kojima as your true lord and saviour!
Hail Hideo Kojima for he is one of the few great personalities left in gaming, if not the greatest to ever be!
(Thank Kojima for bringing the experience to more than one platform, I am happy to see everybody being able to enjoy his art now)
They already did screw us badly when basically the entire plot of Unity is made irrelevant by the narrator's last sentence. At the moment, AC is worse than Lost, plot-wise. Lost had the common decency to pretend to have a plan instead of saying "Hey, you know all that stuff that happened on that island? Doesn't…
Oh, man, I love how delightfully and obnoxiously British this article is. "Everybody else's iconic historical periods can be reduced to shallow bastardized slaughterfests, but to capture the British spirit you need civilized nuance".
This boy will be the chosen one!
Comment of the week.
Half Life 3 CONFIRMED.
That doesn't look like Kotic...
As someone that has put in over 300 hours into one character and reluctantly purchased the Expansion, this is complete and utter bullshit. Not only was the update gfor the DLC less than 100Mb but they are trying to pull this bull? Makes me want to not play this and just stick with Halo McC... but since I still have…
I don't really think this is a big deal. I'm going to go out on a limb and say 80% of Destiny players who are invested enough to run the weekly and nightfall each week have purchased the DLC. Also, if you haven't purchased the DLC but have run these missions since launch, there's nothing Xür is selling that you don't…
Even the weakest of mages can become powerful though. All it takes is a little blood magic or a pact with a spirit/demon from the fade.
You know the drill: You start Dragon Age: Inquisition. You make a character. You play through the opening cutscene and realize that your character looks like a duck. You restart and try again.
You had your Birthday party in a underground vault diner too? That is weird.
I replayed it not that long ago. I still can't stand the quest Those!, mostly due to the bug that caused the queen ant to pop out of the air when your leaving. It scared the shit out of me the first time it happened.
I've been thinking about the apocalypse a lot lately. It's partly because of the intense drought in California.…