
UPDATE: Bloodborne comes out February 5th, just announced an hour or so ago.

Bloodborne comes out in march

So, this is great. This awesome "post release" content that is supposed to elevate Destiny beyond the "yea, it's kinda fun" status it currently holds (IMO) is so large and unweildy that you damn near NEED 6 people to do it, and Bungie won't offer matchmaking for it, nor give me the ability to talk to people easily in

Not really all about luck. Rare loot with light stats drop like crazy and you get a lot of them from crucible and strike rewards. Legendary and exotic items are a bit more rare, I got a couple as random drops, one from farming and an exotic drop from crucible, after farming up FWC ranks and crucible marks, I bought a

This is the most truthful statement I've read in a long time.

As someone who has 40 hours put into one character, over 20 of it at max level this entire article should just read "Get lucky". Have 2 friends who hit 20 last night, they are both now 25 because they got lucky on drops. i'm stuck at 23 and have been for 4 days.

Yup just got a legendary set of arm armor for a titan. :-/

WHY am I reminded of the old Dazzler from the early 80s here?

Why is the Vanguard Quartermaster over by the Shipwright and not with the Vanguards? WHY, BUNGIE?

Getting beyond level 20 and having a life is a delicate balance... I am still at level 20.

This unnatural pose objectifies men.

God, that episode was harsh on me as a kid.

they teleport, making split seconds immune. That's why they are hard to kill close range, annoyingly so. I am a hunter who prefers golden gun, and i approve your message!

Everything comes from reddit, even reddit comes from reddit

God I miss the elevators in 2 and 3. Way better than the loading screens.

Player feedback did NOT lead to faster load times.