
"Destiny's not great about explaining all of the nooks and crannies"

Game of Thrones is worth watching, ignoring everything else, simply for Dinklage's wonderful acting.

I definitely blame the writing, from what I've seen of Destiny. While it's always laudable to see an actor shine the turd of a terrible script into something entertaining, I don't blame Dinklage for not getting his

I like three. More than three and the other folks just get in my way.

Who makes a vault out of glass?

Hope is but a road on the path to disappointment.

Really? Nobody commented on the Lord of the Rings reference?


Gamers tend to focus too much on the balancing aspect and try to prove a game's quality through that. To me, a game doesn't have to be balanced, as long as it is fun. As long as balancing issues do not break the game or compromise the experience to a great extent, it's not really a problem.

He'll buy it at a high price!

Thanks for the nightmare fuel on his face. Because you know I need more of that.

There's a moon missions that's REALLY fun at the end. Special bit.

Saw this eeeeaaaarrrrlllllyyy this morning. I didn't know what was going on!

They may have asked for it that way. Sometimes an actor is only as good as how the director and the script lets them be.

He didn't say it came up short. '-*

Well, he's supposed to be a robot AI... Doesn't it make sense to have a bland delivery?

His voice acting is "bad", but it's grown on me. Once I stopped thinking of it as an actor in a studio and instead just an awkward AI in the video game I'm playing, it's actually quite endearing.

Plus that article was by Patricia, who's body of work on this site is worse than anything Peter Dinklage could do if he tried to be bad

Pretty sure he's intentionally underacting because he's an AI and doesn't have emotions

Bosses at this point feel more like endurance challenges. I really hope there is more to them as the game progresses other than lots of health.

Would you rather they continue to hype it after release if playing the final product wasn't what they thought it would be?