
I kinda wish you could have your character not have to wear the helmet, to show your face you spend a few minutes making. Would be kind of cool.

I was wondering about this, good to know there is color options for armor to personalize your character a bit more.

With all those faceless helmets, all the characters look pretty much the same.

What is it with Bungie and faceless helmeted, copy paste characters?

Any game with customization of this level and without an RGB slider just disappoints me.

To be honest all of the gear in this game seems a little bland.. I'm still only level 18 but even the level 20 gear from vendors doesn't trigger that "I WANT THAT ON ME" response. I imagine it's hard not having bland-looking armors in a sci-fi game like this but I like to think Halo: Reach handled that part pretty

max is not 20. There are already level 28 characters and they're frighteningly strong.

Now playing

I think I actually played it after OoT came out, but I loved it for those same reasons. And dat music:

taking in to consideration that your job is heavily revolving around video games, i purposely am taking my time. I liken playing a AAA video game for 24 hours straight to eating a massive chocolate cake and a gallon of milk in one sitting. afterwords you can often seem dissatisfied. props to you though.

it's a shooter. 5-10 hours are average campaign lengths for shooters. I've been playing every story mission on hard (which I'd suggest everyone does.) that extra bit of challenge in the story missions is really great, and with enemies appearing in bigger groups, and fighting more aggressively it's def added time onto

even with public chat set on, it defaults to friends only after you log out.... this is fucktarded.

...but isnt this game supposed to go 10 years? 20 hrs of content/ year ain't really gonna cut it.

I've only ever done that with one game: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, on the N64. I was 13, rented the game from Blockbuster, and played all the way through it in a single sitting. The final clock showed that I beat the game in 24:06:13. I'll never forget those numbers.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Does this dog look unhappy to you? Look, he's even cross-eyed. He probably loves his owner more than anything for his willingness to look past his physical shortcomings. Plus, the dog has thumbs. He has fucking thumbs! The reason we make movies like King Kong and Planet of the Apes is because other animals with thumbs

Look at all the Ridleys guys. LOOK AT THEM! LOOK AT ALL THE FRIGGIN RIDLEYS YOU MORONS! SEE THEM?! RIDLEY EVERYWHERE IN THIS GAME! Yeaaah maybe he´s super super secret and needs a leak leak rite guys? Right? Hmmmmm please collect your tears in a bucket, I´m gonna make an idiot tear bucket challenge.

Um, why would the duck sit on the Duck Hunt Dog's shoulder? The dog is there to retrieve the duck carcasses for his owner, the duck hunter - the duck's mortal enemy.

That's nice and all but I'll wait until the Mercedes Car is a Confirmed fighter!

I'm already a fox girl, I don't want to "bang her" I want her to be playable in a Smash Bros game.

Looks like we officially know the full Smash Bros launch roster.

Another unlockable character: Falco.