It's old 3DS. America doesn't get the New 3DS until next year, sadly.
It's old 3DS. America doesn't get the New 3DS until next year, sadly.
I think they kinda blew it on the design here. The exterior of the handheld should have looked like the original console: grey bottom half, white upper half with the strip on the side. The interior meanwhile should have looked like the original game pad with red buttons, grey D-Pad, and the rest. Not sure what could…
Straight from Nintendo's presentation at this week's GameStop conference, the company just showed off a NES-styled…
This game has a 10-year plan. Expect lots of updates and DLC/Expansions.
In case anyone wants all the Destiny codes:
Then why are you here?
Xbox ONE advertisment: The appropriate question is, "*When* the hell are they?"
Your shop reminded me of this, so I had to make it real quick...
I'm not a sonic fan. My Destiny alicorn is a slutty pony anyway.
You need to put a watermark that says
A prost to the Blue Ridge Mountain DLC?
Here's my First Entry, hope i win. Good Luck to all :)
Well, that was easy.
Ahem. Excuse me. I think you misspelled Power Stone.
BlazBlue trully has some intense plot action.