
Many fans, however, take issue with this, given that—on the simplest terms—getting five friends together (for a total of six players) is haaaaaaaaaaaard. People have jobs and obligations and hobbies, and only some of those involve space wizardry.

Youtube comments are beyond any possible description.

They could have avoided this by breaking up end-game raids into sections and allowing players to jump in from that point so long as they already completed the previous parts. This allows people to stop and get back into the raid, albeit with a different group of people.

That doesn't make any damn sense. Who's to say that a group of 6 random people won't be able to cooperate effectively as a team? People do it all the time in other games, whats so super special hard about your raids?? Spent too much time making pretty sky-boxes instead of creating a matchmaking system for the raids

Still hoping the enemy AI is improved from the beta, also, auto-aim was too generous.

Loot shooters are not that common, they are a good time waster, and for the most part do not require skill to play. You can easily switch between this game and other games as it offers very tangible benefits to playing periodically rather than playing non-stop.

Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.

I just want my project justice......and shenmue...and all the sega arcade ports...........and skies of arcadia.

I wouldn't say that SEGA is 'nothing', it's just that we get nothing but their least interesting games in the West. Sonic, Sonic, and more Sonic, while true gems like Yakuza 5, PSO2, and others languish in Japan becuase Sega is convinced that the only game anyone wants anymore is Sonic. They are truly determined to

It launched with a great set of games and kept a steady supply of them throughout its life. These included some of the best fighters, memorable rpgs, many of Segas arcade and original games, the 2K sports games, and it took a gamble with online gaming by including a modem.

I'd imagine that's the same world where our Destiny beta characters live :).

I still believe Microsoft played a part in the Dreamcast's ultimate demise. What with the whole OS being Windows and most of Dreamcast's franchises quickly going over to Xbox right after it died.

I said this when I first saw it and I still believe it to be true: The PS2 is pretty damn ugly. The DC was the best looking console out of that generation.

Only experience I've had with disc-read problems is with people who piped in PSO. Basically you set up a teleporter (Telepipe) in an area where you were hunting a rare enemy and keep going back and forth through it until it showed up. This would take hundreds or thousands of attempts and literally ruined systems as

This is a conversational comments section, talk about whatever you like.

ha! If that's official Destiny art it's very evocative of the Marathon logo which also featured on the Halo CE art. It's like they're all secretly marathon sequels. I like that.

the moon killed me