The odds are almost 100% that they’re going to end that movie with him being some kind of hero and it’ll completely negate his character arc in the original trilogy.
The odds are almost 100% that they’re going to end that movie with him being some kind of hero and it’ll completely negate his character arc in the original trilogy.
Yep, this was a bad idea from the first. Not to mention that a rather significant part of Han Solo’s charm is that, you know, he’s Harrison Ford.
who spells it ‘whacky’?
whatever. She still won the popular slope.
We found love in a ropeless place.
If his advisors were smart, they’d make the launch codes something he would never ever say like, “I lost the popular vote,” or “I love Tiffany as much as I do Ivanka.”
*second and third quarters happen*
When he said total war I knew he was a gamer.
My heart sung when he said Total War.
Former military here, if I recall correctly this would just extend the time you are paying. When I was in (about 20 years ago), you paid $100 a month for the first year. This would add another year.
Avoiding wearing a seatbelt out of fear of getting injured by it is like not wearing a parachute while skydiving because in extremely rare cases, a person gets caught up in the chute straps and strangles to death.
The 1/10 doesn’t change the 9/10. It’s not ‘scorching hot PSAs” it’s basic statistics. The statistics are so undeniable that they had to make it a law. Sorry for your loss, but you’re cousin doesn’t change the facts. You do know there are smart people who study all of the deaths involving automobiles, right? And the…
People who say shit like this are basically the equivalent of antivaxers, but somehow even dumber.
This is pretty stupid.
Yup, a milder PSA about the benefits of not wearing seat belts is definitely the way to go.
Shes probably better at it.
That’s “Dunkin’ Donuts” there, pal. It’s like a their/there/they’re thing but for Massholes.
We’ll have Curt Schilling trick Rhode Island into paying for it.
A South African should really know to keep those two things apart. He id
Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.