
Odd that such a truthful comment would warrant a rebuke as a "smartass opinion," from an editor no less.

Yeah, I think the word that best described by experience with that video is "ambushed." I was expecting a rendition good enough that one might consider purchasing the cover instead of the original.

3 x soldiers KIA = $1.2m in life insurance payout, not including survivor benefits

Apple Store employees in my neck of the woods seem to go out of their way to embody a hip, techno-savvy, creative, fringe-of-society persona. Which I accept with amusement as I'm shopping for great products, because I realize that you don't get design aesthetics as good as Apple's without a little artistic genius.

More like galactic karmic payback for George Clooney's character in "Up In the Air." That'll teach you to rack up 10 million miles flying around to fire people.

You selected the least important phrase from that paragraph to comment on. There is military value in demonstrating excellence to other members of the branch, instilling pride in one's organization, and cultivating a competitive spirit in your colleagues from other branches. Morale, experience, training, and

A demonstration of excellence born of discipline, teamwork, and endless training. They serve as a valuable recruiting tool, as well as a positive example for all members of the armed services.

Having served six years active, one in Iraq, I love a good war story. But the story is as fascinating as it is disgusting that it was leaked by our own government officials. I can't even express the depths of dismay and contempt I feel for the one who picked up the phone "on the condition of anonymity."

"And in new reports recently released, Lieutenant Sheen has admitted that Osama bin Laden did not, in fact, resist, but that Sheen felt compelled to subject him to a Violent Torpedo of Truth anyway... just like the rest of the poor unsuspecting American populace back home.

Even guys from the 160th are human. The worst LZ I can honestly say I was dropped into on my deployment was... lukewarm at worst. But I swear, the sense of urgency when you're flying into hostile territory and landing anywhere near urban/suburban scenery is mind-blowing. The pilots are thinking "Get the f*ck out

In some places.

There must be a way to capitalize on this.