
Trump: Bring back the death penalty to discourage suicide shooters.

Hannity does not do too well in a contentious atmosphere. If you ever had the misfortune of watching him, notice that he usually has only yes men on his panels. On the rare occasion that there is a liberal, they are usually outnumbered 3 to 1, 4 to 1 when you count Hannity and he drowns them out.

Agree with you but the loony right ecosystem has an assembly line of kooks lined up. See how quickly Tucker and Laura outdid their predecessors.

Come on. Hannity is effectively the new Senior Adviser to the POTUS. The job Bannon was fired from (not because Bannon was terrible but because he said some bad things about daughter-wife Ivanka). Expecting Hannity to not come on stage when he was going to be onsite was just not possible.

I do wonder how many -actually- believe Republicans are better versus how many are brainwashed into believing Democrats are worse.

Well done Steve King. Hitting the trifecta of homophobia, misoginy and racism in one go. Thats effective.

Or you buy a Samsung smartwatch and get 3-7 days with one charge.

He has all the best words.


I think we collectively need to adress this for what it is.

Looking at the antics of the likes of NBC and also recent comments by NYT editorial staff (looking at you Haberman) and NYT article headlines themselves, it is difficult to comprehend why they do so.

If Nunes and Rohrabacher and Hunter are dislodged this cycle, that will be a good consolation for losing 2016. With Issa already gone, it would mean the purge of 4 of the most des[picable characters from Congress.

Great idea splinter team., with one suggestion.

The latest gen is even better. Under a 1000 kilos - 2200lb/138hp. Still close to 150 inches.

I thought it was 17. That was the highest number twitter reported yesterday.

Quit making excuses for the democrats. We all support them, we do. But they have to stop getting their panties in a bunch if they want to insprie confidence among their voters that they will do what they were sent to do. Here you are quibbling the small amount of time that they had a super majority. How about the

Torture and dismemberment while alive matters. While the outcome is the same as putting a bullet at the back of the head, it is the gory nature of this act which must lead to repercussions.

Not simply killed.

The gaslighting has already started.

The democrats had the WH for 8 years and the first two of those had the HR and filibuster proof senate. Fox was viciously attacking the newly elected president during that period. What did the democrats do? Took the high road of protecting free speech and the first amendment. a.k.a. buried their head in the sand