
an object that is simultaneously emitting wavelengths that could be interpreted as blue and yellow — even if such a simultaneous, "impossible" color

Clever is cool...

while "more superior" is a perfectly cromulent phrase, "more better" would've worked too...


When using Yards as measure for soil & the like, it is *almost* always understood that the yards in question are indeed cubic in nature.

Actually, Larry had to fight like crazy to have the insurance company treat each tower separately. ([www.insurancejournal.com]

find and sink but with one ping only...

I'm thinking more like this...

There can be only one!

Or not enough coverage of Pippa...

Rodney King's Death?!

Or the guys who keep talking on the phone while doing all of the above, including the *flush*. Makes for some interesting conference calls, let me tell you...

Except that Rex is getting "better all the time" So even if thing right themselves, I think we're going to be stuck with this less refined version of Wesley Snipes for a little while longer...

They even repainted it after they repaved the Harvard Bridge! (Always wondered why they call it the "Harvard" bridge when it takes you directly to MIT)

You should see what his wallet says...

Also remember a story about gas filled insulating windows where the glass ended up being slightly concave due to the negative pressure in between the gas filled panes and melting the neighbours vinyl siding (Meffa' MA I believe)

She also did a pretty good job off-Broadway (Through a Glass Darkly)...

Not talking about your love life now...

I thought she already had that with Owen Harper!

No, but his opinions have been know to be quite slanted...