
I'll miss the pantsings most of all...

Tonne - Metric (1,000 kg)

I thought that the "deja vu" phenomenon occurred only when something gets reset in the matrix...

From a technical trading perspective, RIMM just broke through a fairly strong support level that has been in place since March of '09. The going from a 70 handle in Feb 11 to 35 yesterday was one thing but gapping to 28 today speaks to the stock price heading lower still.

Craig playing the grown up Shia works for me...

I think it was more along the lines of a couple of eggs, or one bottle of beer or something along those lines.

Largest banknote ever:

Actually, the faster the shutter speed the less "motion blur" there will be. "Motion blur" would be present if the photographer was shooting with a slower shutter speed and tracking the plane as it approached. If the photog is good, the plane will be crisp and the background blurred.

Don't Panic, there's always the Triple-Breasted Whore of Eroticon Six...

Also, in the scene (in the Conan movie)where she is cornered by a bunch of guys in the market and she starts swinging her staff/weapon around she actually broke at least one stuntman's bones during the shoot.

Also naked lots (and putting the nudity to good use) in the Spartacus - Gods of the Arena series. Prequel to Sand and Blood from 2010. You will never look at her and Lucy Lawless the same way again...

So what's worse, two algos battling it out (with the prospect of better algos beating them both out) or two floor broker buddies taking your order and effectively lining their pockets with it (with no hope of anyone interceding).

Was scanning to make sure someone made this exact comment.

Beauty is in the eye on my shoulder...

Datums are pretty good looking too...

Breeding doesn't work if your only swallowing though...

Enough people expose themselves to botchelism that's it's a multi-million dollar industry...

Subtle nod to Firefly?
