
Datums are pretty good looking too...

Breeding doesn't work if your only swallowing though...

Enough people expose themselves to botchelism that's it's a multi-million dollar industry...

Subtle nod to Firefly?


This being said. I'm sure some arrogant f*ck producer is thinking that HE can do a *better job* of this show, just like they've done with Life on Mars, Being Human, etc...

Whatch you talkin' 'bout Willis!

Band name submissions?

Well Done...even if we weren't really talking about Magrathea.

No Mosaic?

I read each HP book to my boys and then we would watch the movie. After we watched the 6th movie, they each grabbed a copy of book seven and devoured it in a matter of days. The whole process took about 2.5 years. Still, they now enjoy reading these stories just about as much as watching the movie (or so they say...)

Other way around...

Was up in New Hampshire this past weekend and saw a bumper sticker that read only this, "boobies!"

"I never drink water - fish fuck in it..."

@jespree: As a kid growing up in Toronto in the 70's, these boots and the vinyl Adidas bag were the ultimate winter setup. The soles had absolutely no grip so skating/sliding around was a breeze and the bag was almost as good as a cafeteria tray for makeshift tobogganing.

@FrankenPC: It worked when Gallifrey (sp?) showed up right next to earth at the end of "End of Time." No tsunamis, no rending of tectonic plates, nothing...

I work right in front of this homeland security boondoggle on Broad Street. Have already seen them "fix this P.O.S. twice by getting a huge crane to life the turntable and in the process (twice mind you) create enough stress in the turntable to break the embedded cement and force them to chisel out, re-pour and re-set

So, no Ancient tech chair? How are going to defend ourselves from the coming Gouaould invasion?!