@J Dub: New York rooftops have been painted white, but New York has been painted white...
@J Dub: New York rooftops have been painted white, but New York has been painted white...
@sabat: "...two countries separated by a common language" I believe is the appropriate quote to use here.
@voteforme: Different show altogether but last weeks (2 weeks ago) Haven had the main character reminding her FBI boss about the guy he trained to explore weird stuff "what was his name?"
@palaeoclimatemonkey: Let's not forget that its 3 million out of about 300 million potential viewers...
@cynep: I remember looking though MS Excel 4.0 code in 1997 (don't ask me what I was looking at I really don't know, I just remember that it came from Redmond) and one of the numbered slots said simply "This space for rent"
@gwlaw99: Only if they REALLY liked the other guy...
@Kirkaiya: That just puts him one step closer to being his own grandpa!
@McMike: Someone call Riddick!
@rathat: Wrong Story. Noah and the Ark. Great floods presumed to be caused by what is known today as the greek island of San Torini.
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Brown - It's the new Black...
@Nitemancometh: As opposed to operating it with your...?
@Psychonaut: Your negativity interferes with my pessimism: Seconf shot is of her friends "hence my somewhat-Bedouin-wear." Al—Lawrence most likely wouldn't have noticed anyway...
@Fourth Liver: Sorry, didn't see the wiki reference at teh bottom of your origional post...
@Fourth Liver: Was planning on writing some outrage filled rant about how could you not know who Quincy Jones is but am so stunned by your admission that I'll say only this: He's been a fixture and innovator in the American music scene since the 50's.
@phamm: It seems like if you keep your car parked in the garage, that would be private enough to (legally, anyway) stop the gubment from bugging the car in the first place.
@Wwhat: No, I just think the decompiling / reverse engineering clause is different from fair use.
Isn't one of the standard EULA statements that the user will not decompile / reverse engineer the software in question. This seems like a straight up breaking that part of the EULA situation (yes, as opposed to that *other* "situation")
SO matches featuring the U.S. are highlighted for coverage but they're not giving USA England the 3D treatment?
Let's not forget that the roadster still managed to tie a Porsche (what was it? GT3?) on the test track. Perhaps the producers thought that would be redemption enough for the battery flub/LIE...