Absalom Crane

Here's what I posted on i09 this morning:

OK this, this right here pisses me off. And I know it shouldn't. Yes, there should be more body diversity in fashion. Yes, women of all shapes, sizes, colors, anatomies, etc. are beautiful and should be represented. NO the language of the discourse should not be "this 'plus size' REAL woman is better than all those

Why such a harsh sentence for Rodriguez? Because the FBI is trying to send a message, an agent told U.S. News:

Just cut it in half. Problem solved.

Wow humiliating a guy about the size of his junk, classy. I am against people shaming others about the size/shape/choice of what to do to their body...hahaha that guy has a small dick he is pathetic.

God created the Universe with a tendency to produce authors that write characters for Brad Dourif to play.

Callum Keith Rennie: Literally everything. I think literally is probably a bad word for this... Practically everything?