Read it six or seven times actually. First time was actually 30 years ago, just before Lynch's dreadful "adaptation" hit the theaters. The most recent time I read it was about 8 years ago.
Read it six or seven times actually. First time was actually 30 years ago, just before Lynch's dreadful "adaptation" hit the theaters. The most recent time I read it was about 8 years ago.
I loved this episode, even if just because of the performances by Sheppard and Kavan Smith (Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Eureka). Any episode with this heavy of a Crowley appearance is GOOD in my book, no matter the rest of the show.
There's no place like home...
To me it seems she is playing him. I suspect Jedikiah had told her to keep her eye on his nephew. So she decides to make herself seem vulnerable to him, making up a bullshit story that Stephen believes. And the scene when the two were snogging in his room is when she surreptitiously slipped into his mind and saw what…
Don't read the SWORD OF TRUTH at all. Stop where you are and give the books away. They are a bad rip off of Jordan and Tolkien.
Yeah, it's obvious from your post you didn't finish the series, because your claim that main characters don't get killed off is patently untrue.
Don't talk shit about what you do not know.
You got my support simply by mentioning Ian Glen. The dude rocks.
Katee is girly as all get out. She has just PLAYED butch a couple of times.
I am just hoping that in the next few years one of these MCU movies has an on screen death of Tony Stark. That way RDJ go can out with a bang, and not have to be paid the ridiculous amounts he has apparently been demanding to continue play Stark.
While I hate his character on DOWNTON ABBEY for being a slimy weasel, I really enjoy his performance. The role I really would like to see him do would be a GAME OF THRONES prequel movie as Rhaegar Targaryen. Not like that movie would ever happen, but I so could see him playing Harry Lloyd's and Emilia Clarke's older…
Wait, what?!? ((Checks IMDB)). No shit! I am usually pretty good at knowing where I recognize an actor from, but in this case totally missed it.
Maybe that could make for the 2015 io9 March Madness bracket: "The Best 'Sam' in F/SF".....
Replacement organs as well as new organs (for the transgender men and woman out there).
Sorry? Seriously? You should be on your knees begging forgiveness for this.
I too love both shows, as a matter of opinion. But Babylon 5 is simply, from a literary standpoint, light years better than SG1 and its spin offs. Yrs, it was hard to vote against Stargate, but it just HAD TO BE DONE.
May the Shadows take you to Z'ha'dum you Goa'uld loving heretic!
At the 16% mark right now, and loving it. Hadn't planned to read it just yet (was going to finish my Peter F. Hamilton re-read first) but got sucked in anyways. Looking forward to the rest of it.
True, but most of those shows that struggle to reach 8 seasons have already had more screen time. Sure, most of them are about 40 minutes long with GoT being about 55 minutes, but the typical series in America has 20-26 episodes per season (even longer seasons occurred back in the day).
So assuming 23 episodes each…
This show... is just BAD. Very bad.
Don't you mean it is only as bad as TEMPLE OF DOOM?