Here’s a little secret; the new raptor might come with an optional v8. Local Ford dealer’s owner claims to know something and i might put down a deposit for one if he guarantees it.
Here’s a little secret; the new raptor might come with an optional v8. Local Ford dealer’s owner claims to know something and i might put down a deposit for one if he guarantees it.
that’s your opinion... try sitting on a leather seat when the outside temp is a whopping 51C and you’ve left your car for a couple of hours roasting
Nobody thought about the Porsche Carrera GT?
i've been on #1 a few times and can tell you something about it that makes it a little bit interesting. You will not find any radar traps or highway patrol cars anywhere on that road, no enforced speed limit and the slowest car there is traveling at around 140-150kph
I vote for this too... it was the sexiest thing I have seen when I saw the first photos
I had the same opinion you had, then I drove one. Which led to me buying one, I loved it so much I bought another one... I think that says it all
I agree with you, driving with a flat doesn't mean you are an asshat. I own a Nissan GTR and a couple of months ago I woke up in the morning and saw had a flat. I wasn't going to wait for an hour for a flatbed that will rip me off. I started the car and slowly drove it to a friend's shop and had it changed there.