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Pathro’s leitmotif is good, but you can’t beat Cheetara’s. It’s the most perfect 80s sci-fi/fantasy music ever.

I feeel like there is a middle ground you can reach loong before you get to Batman and Robin territory.

Your biggest fear should be that it ends up being really good, but no one actually sees it because it will be a CBS All Access exclusive and it gets cancelled.

OR, get them Pharoah from Gog.com

As for calling a locksmith who would be “obligated” to unlock the safe, I don’t believe the government can (or should be allowed to) force the locksmith to unlock the safe in that case either. Open the door a little and someone will put a herd of elephants through it. Sometimes protecting our liberty means bad people

Would be nice if they’d just open source it and leave it to the community to manage. Even if they had to gut some of the integration with Google services to make that possible, there were a lot of great desktop capabilities.

We choose to play music using code. We choose to use code in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are

Screw lights. What we need are loudspeakers, as the autonomous cars drive by, they yell “EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!!!”

I can’t think of something I enjoy that could potentially kill someone else because of millions of unqualified people doing it haphazardly.

It’s about FREEDOM, why don’t you get that? It’s a simple idea. We pay for the public roads too. If someone wants to keep using manual cars, THAT IS THEIR RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN. You can’t take away my right to have transport I prefer on PUBLIC ROADS.

Io9 is a pop culture media site, it emphasizes syfy/fantasy in movies, television, books and comics.

Teams of researchers have been unable to prove conclusively whether or not the computer actually takes advantage of true quantum effects.

I’ve learned never to get excited about Lockheed’s promises.

Have we learned nothing?!?

What would be really cool is if it was a stealth way to re-introduce Susan Foreman to the Whoniverse.

This makes me glad I decided not to get LASIK. I have been wearing glasses for most of my life so idea of ditching them (cause contact lenses hate me) seemed great. But when the doc listed the potential problems, the odds though small, seemed too high for such drastic consequences for what ultimately was a choice

Yeah. Freud is a bit of a mixed bag. He was wrong, a misgynist, and his legacy still brings suffering. On the other hand, he basically created the idea of the mind as a legitimate field of scientific study, leading to many great and useful advances. Perhaps Freud should be viewed somewhat like Galen: the ‘father’ of a

Needs more gals.

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

A fine list. However, I’d replace “Gangsta Standoff” with “Dueling Magical Negroes”.