
There's this scene in Attack of the Clones where it cuts to Anakin and Padmé walking down the street on Naboo and Padmé is all like "After my term being Queen ran out the new Queen was like 'Hey gurl, wanna be a senator and stuff?' and I was like 'K' so now I'm a senator and stuff."

It never was an issue of computer power. It was always a question of the accuracy of the simulations of the human brain. The key question is: how much detail do we need before we've captured all essential processes?

No. Don't try to explain. Brain the size of a planet and I get left off the list. Typical. Jokes. Don't talk to me about jokes. Don't worry about me. No one ever does.

Congratulations — you found the plot hole in the Phineas & Ferb/Marvel heroes crossover.

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The correct answer must be in here somewhere.

Shockingly they've discovered that the best known Stegosaurus skeletons are actually just two raptors and a set of collectable plates from the Franklin Mint.

Don't worry. We're all gonna die. Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate.