
nobody is thinner skinned than rich people who don’t deserve to be

Snyder is the ex owner of the the Washington football team. This area celebrated so damn hard after the final sale of the team.  Please fix.

Dan Snyder (owner of the Washington Commanders)“

In what strange world do you live that Doctor Who even vaguely resembles “pure” sci-fi?  They literally explain things on this show with the term “timey-wimey”. 

Oh, I very much agree re: RTD. I started watching regularly during the Smith era and then went back and watched from the beginning (of nu-Who) after series 5. There are certainly bright spots (usually the episodes penned by Moffat) and I’m sure RTD will still be miles better than Chibnall, but...farting aliens.

Even then, the only functional difference between the Doctor and a literal wizard is a preference for pointy hats. He even carries around a wand!

Is it, though? Saying “an alien did it” instead of “a wizard did it” is just a slightly different genre of handwavery. And regardless, describing Doctor Who’s up-to-now approach as “pure sci-fi” is, shall we say, laughable

They probably don’t like reminding people that

Every woman on every CC Roast including Glaser has always gotten the same treatment, and the sad part is they participate in it, making the same slutty jokes about themselves.

Nikki Glaser is slutty.

Sure, but it generally helps when the roastee has more personality than a pickle jar.

Now playing

Recast, or don’t, but PLEASE don’t use “archival footage” or AI to plug the character in long enough to die heroically or some shit. The Rise of Skywalker had A LOT of issues, obviously, but their “Fallout Boy” approach to “honoring” Carrie Fisher’s legacy pulled me out of it from the jump.

I never got the idea of roasts. It’s one of those quaint American traditions that just sound, like Saturday Night Live or medical debt.

This sounds profoundly unpleasant.

People have been hate-watching Doctor Who since loooong before the invention of Reddit (or indeed the coining of the term “hate-watching”).

“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...stuff” is the exact level of science I need from the show,

“By that same regard, though, it’s likely some longtime fans might find it hard to stomach the changes to their favorite show, particularly its aforementioned shift from pure sci-fi to fantasy.”

Thank you. The idea that this show (which I love) has ever qualified as hard SF in any sense is just weird.

shift from pure sci-fi to fantasy”? Doctor Who has been squarely in the fantasy camp for the vast majority of it airtime.  

Watching this right now.  It absolutely nails that “light, but the stakes still feel solid” vibe.