Good for you! Imma repeat your last sentence a little louder for the fools in the back: “You didn’t cause it and you can’t cure it.”
Yup. Black-ish got it right.
Every over-embellishing voice competition contestant should be made to sit down and listen to this song—listen to Aretha just sing the damn song.
It’s my favorite stalker song! Those opening piano notes just kill me.
You heartless bastard!
John K. creeps me out and I’m not sure why. I never watched the Office—the American version anyway—so I haven’t really seen him in anything. There’s just a ‘bodies in the basement’ vibe about him.
It’s like she shops at the Deliberately Unflattering Outlet.
You really had no choice.
Are you claiming your cat is big-boned? FYI, I love chubby tabbies.
I don’t wish to ban them but I do wish people would exercise better sense when taking their young children out to dinner. Applebees, yes. The Palm, no.
BB&B is my second home. I can never walk out of there without spending at least $50. The Container Store almost always overwhelms me and I end up leaving with nothing.
I’m just glad we’re no longer post-racial and can go back to using “ashy” as an insult. Can we bring back “triflin’” as well” I find the two often go together.
You really don’t want that. Seriously. It will just give you a headache.
I’ve always thought he’d have made a fun Spider Man.
I thought I’d imagined it but another review mentioned it. It was a neat little call back.