
I love your name.

Honest to dog, it’s like listening in on a school bus full of bitchy 13-year old girls—only with less honor and loyalty.

I still would. Fight me!

As you do.

They are indeed!

You have my sword.

Go big or go home!

This totally works for me. Make it happen.

Book deal by New Year’s


The old man’s still an artist with a Thompson.

Me too!

You should check it out. It’s a great flick.

She has so little personal presence, I’m surprised she casts a shadow.

Thanks, that helps.

I bought that John Waters CD because it has “Fat Daddy” which brings back wonderful memories of childhood Christmases in Baltimore.

I have lots of Christmas music on my IPod but I set it all to “skip while shuffling” until the day after Thanksgiving. This year I only unchecked that box for selected songs and one full album—Vince Guaraldi. No argument from me.

My iron has that automatic shut off thingee so the once a quarter I actually use it, I don’t have to wonder all day if I turned if off. Way smarter than our moron-in-chief.

Another frequently-naked woman who is about as sexy as paste. Only Kim K generates so little sexual heat.

Another frequently-naked woman who is about as sexy as paste. Only Kim K generates so little sexual heat.