Group B-raaaaaaaaaap!

This is a perfect summation of the 26k (and counting, but from maybe 28 users) Breitbart comments.

LOL. He doesn’t know what a single one of those words means. Especially “law”.

I believe the preferred nomenclature is #MAGAbomber.

Plus, never forget the hard-left manifestos written by notorious libruls Timothy Mcveigh and Terry Nichols. Because as the bleached Dementor herself says, bombs are only used by the left.

It’s a boilerplate tenet when filing a writ of IOKIYAR.

On the count of three, name your favorite dinosaur.

Your jimmies appear to be sufficiently rustled. Will sir be requiring a PTSD puppy in his hugbox tonight? Or perhaps an golden iPod?

The word is “Shitbird.”  As in “Listen to the gold medal lack of self-awareness this shitbird is demonstrating.”

My wife’s uncle was a Phantom pilot stationed on the USS Forrestal when it happened. He said he was on the flight deck when that rocket misfired, as they were about to start running pre-sortie checklists. Those who didn’t see it first thought they were under attack, but the ordinance in the rocket never went off.

Language policing is the last refuge for a person without a philosophical leg to stand on.

¡Encerrarlo! ¡Encerrarlo! ¡Encerrarlo!

Here’s the real lede.

Wait... are we talking a baby with a gun? Or a baby-shaped gun? Or a gun for babies? Or a gun-shaped baby? Or a baby that is also a gun? Or a smaller gun that is birthed from a larger gun? Or a baby that is born with a MAGA hat and NRA card?

So that’s who keeps buying all the cargo shorts!

Brett Kavanaugh hiring an all-women clerk team to bolster his image and rebut his assault allegations is about as shitty as Jimmy Savile employing an entire team of children to prove that he wasn’t a predatory monster.

All these people acting like there are false accusations all the time and there is no recourse for the falsely accused are full of shit.

We are a nation of gun-toting, hyper-prejudiced, reactionary, ultra-partisan, catharsis-seeking shitgibbons with a penchant for rewarding political brinksmanship and fellating oligarchs.