
@Krail: Lastpass stores everything server side (Properly encrypted, and everything is encrypted on your PC before being sent to their servers so I wouldn't worry about them getting hacked), and you can logon to their website wherever you are and access your accounts.

@Foxhack: From what I understood of the readme, if aspects of your details weren't there they weren't pulled during the hack, as my account was on the list but not my email. Regardless I've spent the last 2 days resetting all my passwords and have begun using Keepass.

@Davy Grolton: I've been looking into this and keepass today after I found out about the hack, and from what I can gather you can log onto to access your passwords though their website. The only thing that made me choose Keepass over it was Lastpass want you to get their premium account for the Android app.

@vanillakokakola: I used the hash checker that someone posted before and my heart sank abit when I realised my account info was out there. Not much I could do, but its the first time I've been caught out in one of these sort of leaks. Although it has kicked me into using Keepass.

@turwaith: After all this, it kicked me into using Keepass synced to Dropbox. Would have used Lastpass if the Android app was free.

@King of Madness: Yea, there were licensing issues with the Star Fox name in Europe so the original was changed to that and 64 became Lylat Wars.

@Wolfbullet: You can shoot the turret upgrade to get them, mines are mad. Problem is, I've not yet been able to find a game on Live.

@Neomang5: I'm glad I'm not the only one who went "Wait, Green Arrow?".

@JoeVampire: See, I think EVERYONE loves this idea. Me and a friend both said Sherlock Holmes as this eras Da Vinci before we both realised he wasn't actually real, but Darwin would also be equally awesome.

@pinshot: Nope, started the Friday after the US started, and hasn't had any breaks yet, so there's only a 4 day delay. I'm still 2 episodes behind mind so it doesn't make much difference :P But otherwise I totally agree, grab everything else via torrents. Sky and associates really need to drill down the delay to less

@pinshot: Actually its on Friday on FX :P Only reason I know is streaming HD to the 360 is a pain in the arse and I've got Sky HD so might as well use it for something that looks as good as this. Mostly everything else I get via "other means", since theres atleast a 2 week delay (Damn you Fringe).

@MechaTama31: In relation to 8, there already is a Facebook game, and its fairly enjoyable. Its not massively story based, but it does fill out the AC world a bit more. Plus extra stuff in Brotherhood is always nice.

AC Brotherhood, BFBC2, Metro 2033 and some of the various XBLA titles I've got but haven't put much time into. Oh and the billion or so indie games I picked up in last weeks Steam sale.

Goddammit! When will I get Flash and Princes of the Universe!

@sancho4569: Buying a year of live nets you 200, so going by UK RRP, thats £40, so double that, 80 for 400, which around about equals £3.50. Better than what GAME offer on their reward card scheme (£2.50 per £100, though pre-orders double that so its not AS bad as it sounds).

If you're Chev Chelios and fall out a plane/helicopter, use a car to break your fall.

@OkayOctane: See I'd always known them as Arthurian tales rather than relating it to the bible, but I guess its much the same.

@infinitezero: My problem is that I'm getting miles ahead of where the story expects me to be. I had all the Borgia towers minus the 3 blocked off by the time I was at Sequence 3, and had all available Assassin recruits up to atleast 5 by the time they told you how to send them off on missions. I actually accidentally

@Victor V.: And now we know why. The one time he did, he left them on the plane :P And oops. What I meant is that you can "trade them in" at the Buy More, it has nothing to do with any Government agency *shifty eyes*

We believe it was left by a law enforcement officer on a flight that originated in San Jose (California) and landed in Burbank